Copy | Key | Description |
PROJECT_NAME | The name of the selected project. | |
PROJECT_RADIUS | Part of the project?s address record. The default radius (average walking distance to an asset) for floor map and calculating walking paths. | |
PROJECT_CREATEDBYUSER | Which user created the project | |
PROJECT_MODIFIEDBYUSER | Which user modified the project at last | |
PROJECT_RESERVEDBYUSER | Which user reserved the project | |
PROJECT_CLOSEDBYUSER | Which user closed the project | |
PROJECT_PRICE-TYPE-TO-APPLY | Which price type to apply within the project | |
PROJECT_TIU | Part of the project settings. The Time Interval Unit (TIU) for entering and viewing asset related figures such as volumes and costs. It can be monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annually. | |
PROJECT_CONTACTPERSON | Part of the project?s address record. A contact person provided via Address record of the selected project. | |
PROJECT_CITY | Part of the address record. The city where the customer is located provided via Address record of the selected project. (Note: This placeholder does not provides the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
PROJECT_STATE | Part of the project?s address record. The country state (or county) where the customer is located provided via Address record of the selected project. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the company address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
PROJECT_BUSINESSSECTOR | Part of the project?s address record. The business sector of a customer provided either via Address record of the selected project. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
PROJECT_COUNTRY | Part of the project?s address record. The country where the customer is located provided via Address record of the selected project. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
PROJECT_SIZECATEGORY | Part of the project?s address record. The size category of a customer provided via Address record of the selected project. E.g. Up to 1000 employees, Up to 5000 employees etc. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
PROJECT_WORKHOURS-YEAR | Part of the project settings. The number of working hours per year. | |
PROJECT_WORKHOURS-AllEmpl-YEAR | Returns the calculated total amount of working hours in a company. Means number of employees multiplied by the number of working hours. | |
PROJECT_COMPANYNAME | The name of the company where the selected project is located. | |
PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_COUNTRY | Part of the address record. The country where the customer is located provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. | |
PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_COUNTRYPART | Part of the address record. The part of the country where the customer is located provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. E.g. Northern Part, Southern Part etc. | |
PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_STATE | Part of the address record. The country state (or county) where the customer is located provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. | |
PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_REGION | Part of the address record. The local region where the customer?s city is located provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. | |
PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_POSTALCODE | Part of the address record. The postal code where the customer is located provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. | |
PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_CITY | Part of the address record. The city where the customer is located provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. | |
PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_STREET1 | Part of the address record. The street where the customer is located provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. | |
PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_STREET2 | Part of the address record. The street (second part) where the customer is located provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. | |
PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_COMPANYNAME | Part of the address record. The customer?s legal company name provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. E.g. ?Technologies Ltd.? | |
PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_VATNUMBER | Part of the address record. The customer?s VAT number provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. | |
PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_CUSTOMERNUMBER | Part of the address record. The customer number (out of CRM or ERP) provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. | |
PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_BUSINESSSECTOR | Part of the address record. The business sector of a customer provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. E.g. Banking, Education, Public Sector etc. | |
PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_SIZECATEGORY | Part of the address record. The size category of a customer provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. E.g. Up to 1000 employees, Up to 5000 employees etc. | |
PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_CONTACTPERSON | Part of the address record. A contact person provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. | |
PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_PHONE | Part of the address record. The phone number of a contact person provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. | |
PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_MOBILEPHONE | Part of the address record. The mobile phone number of a contact person provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. | |
PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_FAX | Part of the address record. The client?s fax number provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. | |
PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_EMAIL | Part of the address record. The email address number of a contact person provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. | |
PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_WEB | Part of the address record. The client?s internet page provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. | |
PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_CREATEDAT | Part of the address record. Provides a creation date of the address record. If the address record for project exists then it is a creation date of the project?s address, otherwise this date belongs to a company address. | |
PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_MODIFIEDAT | Part of the address record. Provides the last modification date of the address record. If the address record for project exists then it is a creation date of the project?s address, otherwise this date belongs to a company address. | |
PROJECT_LOCATION-NAMES | Returns the names of all locations in the selected project separated with comma. E.g. ?New York, Barcelona, London? | |
PROJECT_NUM-LOCATIONS | Returns the number of location available in the selected project. | |
PROJECT_BUILDING-NAMES | Returns the names of all buildings in the selected project separated with comma. E.g. ?Main Street, Factory, Offices? | |
PROJECT_NUM-BUILDINGS | Returns the number of buildings available in the selected project. | |
PROJECT_FLOOR-NAMES | Returns the names of all floors in the selected project separated with comma. E.g. ?GF, 1thFloor, 2nd Floor? | |
PROJECT_NUM-FLOORS | Returns the number of floors available in the selected project. | |
PROJECT_CPD | Current asset paper devices of the project | |
PROJECT_TPD | Target asset paper devices of the project | |
PROJECT_SVG-TCO | Returns the savings in TCO (based on comparison current vs. future) as absolute amount. E.g. 1000,- EUR per month (or different TIU). | |
PROJECT_SVG-TCO-PERCENT | Returns the savings in TCO (based on comparison current vs. future) in percent in relation to the current state costs. E.g. 20%. | |
PROJECT_SVG-TCO-E | Returns the savings considering Energy Part of the TCO only. Means energy costs savings as absolute amount in a specific currency. E.g. 50,- EUR per month (or different TIU). | |
PROJECT_SVG-TCO-PAPER | Returns the savings considering Paper Part of the TCO only. Means paper costs savings as absolute amount in a specific currency. E.g. 300,- EUR per month (or different TIU). | |
PROJECT_SVG-PAPER-SHEETS-PERTIU | Saving of paper sheets per TIU | |
PROJECT_SVG-PAPER-PACKAGES-PERTIU | Saving of paper packages per TIU | |
PROJECT_SVG-CO2-TOTAL | Returns the total CO2 savings. Means CO2 savings as absolute amount in a specific weight measurement unit. E.g. 500 kg per month (or different TIU). | |
PROJECT_SVG-CO2-TOTAL-PERCENT | SavingCo2Total_Percent | |
PROJECT_SVG-CO2-DIRECT | Returns the part of CO2 savings considering the energy consumption of the devices itself only. Means CO2 savings as absolute amount in a specific weight measurement unit. E.g. 500 kg per month (or different TIU). | |
PROJECT_SVG-CO2-DIRECT-PERCENT | Returns the part of CO2 savings considering the energy consumption of the devices itself only. Means CO2 savings as percentage. E.g. 10%. | |
PROJECT_SVG-GREEN-CO2-PAPER | Green IT saving of CO2 Emission - Manufacturing Paper (kg) | |
PROJECT_SVG-GREEN-CO2-SUPPLY | Green IT saving of CO2 Emission - Manufacturing Supplies (kg) | |
PROJECT_SVG-E | Returns the total energy savings. Means kWh savings as absolute amount. E.g. 120 kWh per month (or different TIU). | |
PROJECT_SVG-E-PERCENT | Returns the total energy savings. Means kWh savings as percentage. E.g. 13% of kWh | |
PROJECT_SVG-GREEN-WATER-PAPER | Green IT Water Demand for Manufacturing Paper | |
PROJECT_SVG-GREEN-WOOD-PAPER | Green IT Wood Demand for Manufacturing Paper | |
PROJECT_SVG-GREEN-E-PAPER | Green IT Energy Demand for Manufacturing Paper (kWh) | |
PROJECT_SVG-GREEN-SUPPLIES | Green IT Number of Supplies per TIU | |
PROJECT_SVG-E-EQV-HOUSEHOLDS | Returns the number of households could be supplied by the energy whole year as kind of equivalent to the total kWh savings. The amount of energy an average household requires can be setup in the Environmental Factors tab of the project settings. | |
PROJECT_SVG-CO2-EQV-CARRANGE | Returns the number of kilometres or miles could be driven by an average car as kind of equivalent to the total CO2 savings. The amount of CO2 an average produces can be setup in the Environmental Factors tab of the project settings. | |
PROJECT_SVG-WOOD-EQV-TREES | Returns the number of trees could be saved as equivalent to the total amount of wood saved by either reducing the number of paper or changing to recycled paper. The basis figures can be setup in the Environmental Factors tab of the project settings. | |
PROJECT_SVG-WATER-EQV-BATHS | Returns the number of bathtubs could be saved as equivalent to the total amount of water saved by either reducing the number of paper or changing to recycled paper. The basis figures can be setup in the Environmental Factors tab of the project settings. | |
PROJECT_ADDRESS_COUNTRY | Part of the project?s address record. The country where the customer is located provided via Address record of the selected project. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
PROJECT_ADDRESS_COUNTRYPART | Part of the project?s address record. The part of the country where the customer is located provided via Address record of the selected project. E.g. ?Northern Part, Southern Part?. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
PROJECT_ADDRESS_STATE | Part of the project?s address record. The state or county of a country where the customer is located provided via Address record of the selected project. E.g. ?Nevada, Bavaria?. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
PROJECT_ADDRESS_REGION | Part of the project?s address record. The local region of the city where the customer is located provided via Address record of the selected project. E.g. ?Mittelfranken?. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
PROJECT_ADDRESS_POSTALCODE | Part of the project?s address record. The postal code of the city where the customer is located provided via Address record of the selected project. E.g. ?90441, SW8345?. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
PROJECT_ADDRESS_CITY | Part of the project?s address record. The city where the customer is located provided via Address record of the selected project. E.g. ?London, Nuremberg?. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
PROJECT_ADDRESS_STREET1 | Part of the project?s address record. The street where the customer is located provided via Address record of the selected project. E.g. ?Nordostpark 51, 534 Westminister Bridge Rd?. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
PROJECT_ADDRESS_STREET2 | Part of the project?s address record. The street (second part) where the customer is located provided via Address record of the selected project. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
PROJECT_ADDRESS_COMPANYNAME | Part of the project?s address record. The customer?s legal company name provided via Address record of the selected project. E.g. ?Technologies Ltd.? (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
PROJECT_ADDRESS_VATNUMBER | Part of the project?s address record. The customer?s VAT number provided via Address record of the selected project. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
PROJECT_ADDRESS_CUSTOMERNUMBER | Part of the project?s address record. The customer?s number (from CRM or ERP) provided via Address record of the selected project. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
PROJECT_ADDRESS_BUSINESSSECTOR | Part of the project?s address record. The customer?s business sector provided via Address record of the selected project. E.g. ?Airlines, Public Sector?. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
PROJECT_ADDRESS_SIZECATEGORY | Part of the project?s address record. The customer?s size as a predefined category provided via Address record of the selected project. E.g. ?Up to 10, Up to 100?. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
PROJECT_ADDRESS_CONTACTPERSON | Part of the project?s address record. The contact person on the customer size provided via Address record of the selected project. E.g. ?Mr. Smith?. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
PROJECT_ADDRESS_PHONE | Part of the project?s address record. The contact person?s phone number provided via Address record of the selected project. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
PROJECT_ADDRESS_MOBILEPHONE | Part of the project?s address record. The contact person?s mobile phone number provided via Address record of the selected project. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
PROJECT_ADDRESS_FAX | Part of the project?s address record. The contact person?s fax number provided via Address record of the selected project. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
PROJECT_ADDRESS_EMAIL | Part of the project?s address record. The contact person?s email address provided via Address record of the selected project. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
PROJECT_ADDRESS_WEB | Part of the project?s address record. The customer?s web page address provided via Address record of the selected project. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
PROJECT_ADDRESS_CREATEDAT | Part of the project?s address record. Provides a creation date of a project?s address record. | |
PROJECT_ADDRESS_MODIFIEDAT | Part of the project?s address record. Provides the last modification date of a project?s address record. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_SOURCE | Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the chosen source for the data selection. This can be either static (empirical values) or dynamic (selected out of the project application database and based on the real stored projects) | |
PROJECT_ESTM_ISCUR | Part of the quick estimation module. Provides a Yes/No information whether only the current state figures should be considered. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_COUNTRY | Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the filter criteria ? considering projects in a specific country only. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_COUNTRYPART | Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the filter criteria ? considering projects in a specific part of a country only. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_SIZECATEGORY | Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the filter criteria ? considering projects in a specific size category only. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_BUSINESSSECTOR | Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the filter criteria ? considering projects in a specific business sector only. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-EMPLOYEES | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT average number of employees out of the database. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_IN-EMPLOYEES | Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT filter criteria ? considering projects with a specific number of employees only. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-MAKES | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT average number of makes out of the database. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_IN-MAKES | Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT filter criteria ? considering projects with a specific number of makes only. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-MODELS | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT average number of models out of the database. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_IN-MODELS | Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT filter criteria ? considering projects with a specific number of models (E.g. 2 for ?LaserJet 5, Stylus C82?) only. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-NETWORKED | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT average number of devices with a network connection out of the database. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_IN-NETWORKED | Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT filter criteria ? considering projects with a specific number of networked devices only. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-A3CAP | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT average number of devices supporting large (A3) format out of the database. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_IN-A3CAP | Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT filter criteria ? considering projects with a specific number of A3 capable devices only. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_IN-DEVICES-PER-EMPLOYEE | Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT filter criteria ? considering projects with a specific ratio of devices per employee only. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_IN-EMPLOYEES-PER-DEVICE | Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT filter criteria ? considering projects with a specific ratio of employees per device only. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_IN-VOLUME-PER-EMPLOYEE | Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT filter criteria ? considering projects with a specific ratio of page volumes per employee only. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_IN-TCO-PER-EMPLOYEE | Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT filter criteria ? considering projects with a specific ratio of costs (TCO) per employee only. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_IN-NR-PRN | Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with a specific number of printers or adjust the number of other devices accordingly. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_IN-NR-AIO | Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with a specific number of AIOs or adjust the number of other devices accordingly. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_IN-NR-MFD | Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with a specific number of MFDs or adjust the number of other devices accordingly. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_IN-NR-COP | Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with a specific number of copiers or adjust the number of other devices accordingly. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_IN-NR-FAX | Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with a specific number of faxes or adjust the number of other devices accordingly. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_IN-NR-SCAN | Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with a specific number of scanners or adjust the number of other devices accordingly. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_IN-NR-HIGHVOL | Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with a specific number of high volume devices / production printing or adjust the number of other devices accordingly. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_IN-NR-PLOTTER | Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with a specific number of plotters or adjust the number of other devices accordingly. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_IN-NR-LABLE-PRN | Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with a specific number of label printers or adjust the number of other devices accordingly. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_IN-NR-PORTABLE-PRN | Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with a specific number of portable printers or adjust the number of other devices accordingly. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_IN-NR-OTHER | Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with a specific number of miscellaneous devices or adjust the number of other devices accordingly. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_IN-VOL | Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with specific total page volumes or adjust the mono and colour volumes accordingly. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_IN-VOLBW | Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with specific mono page volumes or adjust the total and colour volumes accordingly. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_IN-VOLCOL | Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with specific colour page volumes or adjust the total and mono volumes accordingly. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_IN-TCOPAGE | Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with specific price per page or adjust the TCO, price per page for mono and colour accordingly. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_IN-TCOPAGE-BW | Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with specific price per page for mono pages or adjust the TCO, price per page for colour accordingly. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_IN-TCOPAGE-COL | Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with specific price per page for colour pages or adjust the TCO, price per page for mono accordingly. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_IN-TCO | Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with specific TCO or adjust the price per page accordingly. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_IN-TCO-C | Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with specific current state TCO or adjust the price per page of the current state accordingly. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_IN-TCO-T | Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with specific future state TCO or adjust the price per page of the future state accordingly. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_IN-SVG-TCO | Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with specific saving percentage of TCO or adjust the absolute TCO savings accordingly. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-DEVICES-PER-EMPLOYEE | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT average ratio devices per employee out of the database. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-EMPLOYEES-PER-DEVICE | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT average ratio employees per device out of the database. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-VOLUME-PER-EMPLOYEE | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT average ratio page volumes per employee out of the database. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-TCO-PER-EMPLOYEE | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT average ratio costs (TCO) per employee out of the database. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-NR-PRN | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT number of printers as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-NR-AIO | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT number of AIOs as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-NR-MFD | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT number of MFDs as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-NR-COP | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT number of Copiers as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-NR-FAX | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT number of Faxes as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-NR-SCAN | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT number of Scanners as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-NR-HIGHVOL | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT number of HighVolumeDevices as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-NR-PLOTTER | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT number of plotters as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-NR-LABLE-PRN | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT number of label printers as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-NR-PORTABLE-PRN | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT number of portable printers as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-NR-OTHER | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT number of other devices as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-VOL | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT total volumes as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-VOLBW | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT mono volumes as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-VOLCOL | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT colour volumes as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-TCOPAGE | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT total price per page as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-TCOPAGE-BW | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT mono price per page as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-TCOPAGE-COL | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT colour price per page as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-TCO | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT total TCO as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-TCO-C | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT current TCO as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-TCO-T | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT future TCO as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-SVG-TCO | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT total savings of the TCO in percent as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-DEVICES-PER-EMPLOYEE | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE ratio devices per employee selected from the database. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-EMPLOYEES-PER-DEVICE | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE ratio employees per device selected from the database. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-VOLUME-PER-EMPLOYEE | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE ratio volumes per device selected from the database. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-TCO-PER-EMPLOYEE | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE ratio TCO per employee selected from the database. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-NR-PRN | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE number of printers selected from the database. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-NR-AIO | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE number of AIOs selected from the database. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-NR-MFD | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE number of MFDs selected from the database. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-NR-COP | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE number of Copiers selected from the database. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-NR-FAX | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE number of Faxes selected from the database. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-NR-SCAN | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE number of Scanners selected from the database. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-NR-HIGHVOL | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE number of High-Volume-Devices selected from the database. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-NR-PLOTTER | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE number of Plotters selected from the database. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-NR-LABLE-PRN | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE number of label printers selected from the database. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-NR-PORTABLE-PRN | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE number of portable printers selected from the database. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-NR-OTHER | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE number of other devices selected from the database. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-VOL | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE total volumes selected from the database. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-VOLBW | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE mono volumes selected from the database. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-VOLCOL | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE colour volumes selected from the database. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-TCOPAGE | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE total price per page selected from the database. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-TCOPAGE-BW | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE mono price per page selected from the database. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-TCOPAGE-COL | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE colour price per page selected from the database. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-TCO | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE total TCO selected from the database. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-TCO-C | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE current TCO selected from the database. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-TCO-T | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE future TCO selected from the database. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-SVG-TCO | Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE savings (current vs. future TCO) in percent selected from the database. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_CREATEDAT | Part of the quick estimation module. Date when the estimation record has been created. | |
PROJECT_ESTM_MODIFIEDAT | Part of the quick estimation module. Date when the estimation record has been modified. | |
PROJECT_CLOSURE-RATE | Sales closure rate in percent for the selected project. | |
PROJECT_CLOSURE-DATE | Sales presumable closure date for the selected project. | |
PROJECT_ESTIMATED-TURNOVER | The estimated project turnover | |
PROJECT_ESTIMATED-TURNOVER-PRODUCT | The estimated project product turnover | |
PROJECT_ESTIMATED-TURNOVER-SERVICE | The estimated project service turnover | |
PROJECT_ESTIMATED-NUMBEROFFUTASSETS | The estimated number of future assets | |
PROJECT_STATUS | Status of the selected project. E.g. ?Draft, In Edit, Finished?. | |
PROJECT_APPROVED | Additional information to ?Finished? status. Approved and implemented? | |
PROJECT_INWORKSTAGE | The stage of the inwork status | |
PROJECT_CREDITCHECKED | Has the credit rating been checked | |
PROJECT_ACCOMPLISHMENT-PERCENT | Project accomplushment in per cent | |
PROJECT_NUMBER | Internal number of the selected project. | |
PROJECT_DATE-REPLACEMENT | Agreed date of replacement. Important for the calculation of the replacement values of the current state contracts. | |
PROJECT_ALLOCATION-1 | Part of the project capturing settings. The user defined field name 1. (Displayed in the asset form) | |
PROJECT_ALLOCATION-2 | Part of the project capturing settings. The user defined field name 2. (Displayed in the asset form) | |
PROJECT_ALLOCATION-3 | Part of the project capturing settings. The user defined field name 3. (Displayed in the asset form) | |
PROJECT_ALLOCATION-4 | Part of the project capturing settings. The user defined field name 4. (Displayed in the asset form) | |
PROJECT_ALLOCATION-5 | Part of the project capturing settings. The user defined field name 5. (Displayed in the asset form) | |
PROJECT_CURRENCY-BASE | Part of the project settings. Project currency. | |
PROJECT_CURRENCY-VIEW | Part of the project settings. Currency for the reporting and dashboard. | |
PROJECT_EXCHANGE-RATE-BASE2VIEW | Part of the project settings. Exchange rate base currency to view currency. | |
PROJECT_EXCHANGE-RATE-EUR2BASE | Part of the project settings. Exchange rate EURO to project currency. | |
PROJECT_WORKDAYS-WEEK | Part of the project settings. Number of working days in a week. (Important for calculation of the Energy consumption and walking paths) | |
PROJECT_WORKDAYS-YEAR | Part of the project settings. Number of working days per year. (Important for calculation of the Energy consumption and walking paths) | |
PROJECT_FREEDAYS-YEAR | Part of the project settings. Number of free days per year. (Important for calculation of the Energy consumption and walking paths) | |
PROJECT_EMPLOYEES | Part of the project settings. Total exact number of employees. | |
PROJECT_WORKHOURS-DAY | Part of the project settings. Average number of workhours per day. | |
PROJECT_HOURLY-RATE-EMPLOYEE | Part of the project settings. Average hourly rate of an employee. Important for the calculation of costs as a result of spending time on walking to device and authentication. | |
PROJECT_SHEETS-IN-PAPERPACKAGE | Amount of sheets in standard paper package | |
PROJECT_ENERGY-PER-VIRGIN-PAPER-TONNE | Green factor energy per ton virgin paper in kWh | |
PROJECT_ENERGY-PER-RECYCLED-PAPER-TONNE | Green factor energy per ton recycled paper in kWh | |
PROJECT_EQV-ENERGY-CONSUMED-BY-AVG-HOUSEHOLD-PER-YEAR | Green factor energy consumed by average household per year | |
PROJECT_GREEN-C-E | Part of the project settings. Costs per kWh. | |
PROJECT_CVIRG-PAPER-PACKAGE-CUR | Part of the project settings. Costs of a paper package (virgin paper) in the current situation. | |
PROJECT_CVIRG-PAPER-PACKAGE-TAR | Part of the project settings. Costs of a paper package (virgin paper) in the future situation. | |
PROJECT_CRECL-PAPER-PACKAGE-CUR | Part of the project settings. Costs of a paper package (recycled paper) in the current situation. | |
PROJECT_CRECL-PAPER-PACKAGE-TAR | Part of the project settings. Costs of a paper package (recycled paper) in the future situation. | |
PROJECT_WEIGHT-OF-PAPERPACKAGE | Standard paper package weight | |
PROJECT_CO2-PER-kWh | Green factor CO2 per 1kWh | |
PROJECT_CO2-PER-TONER-CARTRIDGE | Green factor CO2 per 1 toner cartridge | |
PROJECT_CO2-PER-INK-CARTRIDGE | Green factor CO2 per 1 ink cartridge | |
PROJECT_WOOD-PER-VIRGIN-PAPER-TONNE | Green factor wood per ton virgin paper | |
PROJECT_WOOD-PER-RECYCLED-PAPER-TONNE | Green factor wood per ton recycled paper | |
PROJECT_WATER-PER-VIRGIN-PAPER-TONNE | Green factor water per ton virgin paper | |
PROJECT_WATER-PER-RECYCLED-PAPER-TONNE | Green factor water per ton recycled paper | |
PROJECT_CO2-PER-VIRGIN-PAPER-TONNE | Green factor CO2 per ton virgin paper in kWh | |
PROJECT_CO2-PER-RECYCLED-PAPER-TONNE | Green factor CO2 per ton recycled paper in kWh | |
PROJECT_EQV-WEIGHT-OF-AVG-TREE | Green factor average weight of a tree | |
PROJECT_EQV-CO2-PRODUCED-BY-AVG-CAR-PER-KM | Green factor CO2 per driven km with an average car | |
PROJECT_DUPLEX-PERCENT-CUR | Part of the project settings. Global duplex percentage for the current situation. | |
PROJECT_DUPLEX-PERCENT-TAR | Part of the project settings. Global duplex percentage for the future situation. | |
PROJECT_RECYCLED-PERCENT-CUR | Part of the project settings. Global percentage of recycled paper in the current situation. | |
PROJECT_RECYCLED-PERCENT-TAR | Part of the project settings. Global percentage of recycled paper in the current situation. | |
PROJECT_SWITCHTIME-TO-LOWPOWER-CUR | Energy calculation of time to lowpower mode in minutes | |
PROJECT_SWITCHTIME-TO-LOWPOWER-FUT | Energy calculation of time to lowpower mode in minutes | |
PROJECT_SWITCHTIME-TO-SLEEP-CUR | Energy calculation of time to sleep mode in minutes | |
PROJECT_SWITCHTIME-TO-SLEEP-FUT | Energy calculation of time to sleep mode in minutes | |
PROJECT_HOURLY-RATE-CUSTOMER-COMPLEX-MAINT | Part of the project settings. Customer?s employee hourly rate. Responsible for the maintenance of complex devices. | |
PROJECT_HOURLY-RATE-CUSTOMER-SIMPLE-MAINT | Part of the project settings. Customer?s employee hourly rate. Responsible for the maintenance of simple devices. | |
PROJECT_HOURLY-RATE-CUSTOMER-COMPLEX-INSTALL | Part of the project settings. Customer?s employee hourly rate. Responsible for the installation of complex devices. | |
PROJECT_HOURLY-RATE-CUSTOMER-SIMPLE-INSTALL | Part of the project settings. Customer?s employee hourly rate. Responsible for the installation of simple devices. | |
PROJECT_HOURLY-RATE-CUSTOMER-PROGRAMMING | Part of the project settings. Customer?s employee hourly rate. Responsible for in-house programming. | |
PROJECT_HOURLY-RATE-CUSTOMER-ADMIN | Part of the project settings. Customer?s employee hourly rate. Responsible for internal administration. | |
PROJECT_HOURLY-RATE-CUSTOMER-UPDATES | Part of the project settings. Customer?s employee hourly rate. Responsible for internal updates. | |
PROJECT_HOURLY-RATE-CUSTOMER-SUPPORT | Part of the project settings. Customer?s employee hourly rate. Responsible for internal support. | |
PROJECT_HOURLY-RATE-DEALER-COMPLEX-MAINT | Part of the project settings. Dealer?s technician hourly rate. Responsible for the maintenance of complex devices. | |
PROJECT_HOURLY-RATE-DEALER-SIMPLE-MAINT | Part of the project settings. Dealer?s technician hourly rate. Responsible for the maintenance of simple devices. | |
PROJECT_HOURLY-RATE-DEALER-COMPLEX-INSTALL | Part of the project settings. Dealer?s technician hourly rate. Responsible for the installation of complex devices. | |
PROJECT_HOURLY-RATE-DEALER-SIMPLE-INSTALL | Part of the project settings. Dealer?s technician hourly rate. Responsible for the installation of simple devices. | |
PROJECT_HOURLY-RATE-DEALER-PROGRAMMING | Part of the project settings. Dealer?s technician hourly rate. Responsible for individual programming. | |
PROJECT_HOURLY-RATE-DEALER-ADMIN | Part of the project settings. Dealer?s technician hourly rate. Responsible for remote administration. | |
PROJECT_HOURLY-RATE-DEALER-UPDATES | Part of the project settings. Dealer?s technician hourly rate. Responsible for providing and installing updates. | |
PROJECT_HOURLY-RATE-DEALER-SUPPORT | Part of the project settings. Dealer?s technician hourly rate. Responsible for supporting customers. | |
PROJECT_MLANCH-PLUS-MONTHS | Part of the project settings. Number of months should be taken in addition to market launch to estimate the date of installation. | |
PROJECT_COVERAGE-MONO | Part of the project settings. Global default printing coverage for mono pages in percent. Note: Can be overwritten for every single asset. | |
PROJECT_COVERAGE-COLOUR | Part of the project settings. Global default printing coverage for colour pages in percent. Note: Can be overwritten for every single asset. | |
PROJECT_DISCOUNT-CONS | Part of the project settings. Global discount for consumables. Used to reduce consumable prices. | |
PROJECT_SURCHARGE-CONS | Part of the project settings. Global surcharge for consumables. Used to increase consumable prices. | |
PROJECT_DISCOUNT-PRODUCT | Part of the project settings. Global discount for assets. Used to reduce asset purchasing prices. | |
PROJECT_SURCHARGE-PRODUCT | Part of the project settings. Global surcharge for assets. Used to increase asset purchasing prices. | |
PROJECT_INTEREST-RATE | Part of the project settings. Global interest rate for calculating additional ?money costs? of purchased devices. | |
PROJECT_REMARKS | Remarks to the selected project. | |
PROJECT_CREATEDAT | Date of the project creation. | |
PROJECT_MODIFIEDAT | Date of the last project modification. | |
COMPANY_NAME | Name of the associated company where the selected project is located. | |
COMPANY_ADDRESS_COUNTRY | Part of the company?s address record. The country where the customer is located provided via Address record of the selected project. | |
COMPANY_ADDRESS_COUNTRYPART | Part of the company?s address record. The part of the country where the customer is located provided via Address record of the selected project. E.g. ?Northern Part, Southern Part?. | |
COMPANY_ADDRESS_STATE | Part of the company?s address record. The state or county of a country where the customer is located provided via Address record of the selected project. E.g. ?Nevada, Bavaria?. | |
COMPANY_ADDRESS_REGION | Part of the company?s address record. The local region of the city where the customer is located provided via Address record of the selected project. E.g. ?Mittelfranken?. | |
COMPANY_ADDRESS_POSTALCODE | Part of the company?s address record. The postal code of the city where the customer is located provided via Address record of the selected project. E.g. ?90441, SW8345?. | |
COMPANY_ADDRESS_CITY | Part of the company?s address record. The city where the customer is located provided via Address record of the selected project. E.g. ?London, Nuremberg?. | |
COMPANY_ADDRESS_STREET1 | Part of the company?s address record. The street where the customer is located provided via Address record of the selected project. E.g. ?Nordostpark 51, 534 Westminister Bridge Rd?. | |
COMPANY_ADDRESS_STREET2 | Part of the company?s address record. The street (second part) where the customer is located provided via Address record of the selected project. | |
COMPANY_ADDRESS_COMPANYNAME | Part of the company?s address record. The customer?s legal company name provided via Address record of the selected project. E.g. ?Technologies Ltd.? | |
COMPANY_ADDRESS_VATNUMBER | Part of the company?s address record. The customer?s VAT number provided via Address record of the selected project. | |
COMPANY_ADDRESS_CUSTOMERNUMBER | Part of the company?s address record. The customer?s number (from CRM or ERP) provided via Address record of the selected project. | |
COMPANY_ADDRESS_BUSINESSSECTOR | Part of the company?s address record. The customer?s business sector provided via Address record of the selected project. E.g. ?Airlines, Public Sector?. | |
COMPANY_ADDRESS_SIZECATEGORY | Part of the company?s address record. The customer?s size as a predefined category provided via Address record of the selected project. E.g. ?Up to 10, Up to 100?. | |
COMPANY_ADDRESS_CONTACTPERSON | Part of the company?s address record. The contact person on the customer size provided via Address record of the selected project. E.g. ?Mr. Smith?. | |
COMPANY_ADDRESS_PHONE | Part of the company?s address record. The contact person?s phone number provided via Address record of the selected project. | |
COMPANY_ADDRESS_MOBILEPHONE | Part of the company?s address record. The contact person?s mobile phone number provided via Address record of the selected project. | |
COMPANY_ADDRESS_FAX | Part of the company?s address record. The contact person?s fax number provided via Address record of the selected project. | |
COMPANY_ADDRESS_EMAIL | Part of the company?s address record. The contact person?s email address provided via Address record of the selected project. | |
COMPANY_ADDRESS_WEB | Part of the company?s address record. The customer?s web page address provided via Address record of the selected project. | |
COMPANY_ADDRESS_CREATEDAT | Part of the company?s address record. Provides a creation date of a company?s address record. | |
COMPANY_ADDRESS_MODIFIEDAT | Part of the company?s address record. Provides the last modification date of a company?s address record. | |
COMPANY_REMARKS | Remarks to the associated company where the selected project is assigned to. | |
COMPANY_CREATEDAT | Date when was the company record created. | |
COMPANY_MODIFIEDAT | Date when was the company record last modified. | |
USER_NAME | Logged in user name. | |
USER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_COUNTRY | Logged in user?s address. Either from user, group, dealer or licensee. Usually dealer?s company address. Field: Country where the dealer is located. | |
USER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_COUNTRYPART | Logged in user?s address. Either from user, group, dealer or licensee. Usually dealer?s company address. Field: Part of the country where the dealer is located. | |
USER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_STATE | Logged in user?s address. Either from user, group, dealer or licensee. Usually dealer?s company address. Field: State where the dealer is located. | |
USER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_REGION | Logged in user?s address. Either from user, group, dealer or licensee. Usually dealer?s company address. Field: Region where the dealer is located. | |
USER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_POSTALCODE | Logged in user?s address. Either from user, group, dealer or licensee. Usually dealer?s company address. Field: Postal code where the dealer is located. Note: Use this field in your auto generated offer in the from address block. | |
USER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_CITY | Logged in user?s address. Either from user, group, dealer or licensee. Usually dealer?s company address. Field: City where the dealer is located. Note: Use this field in your auto generated offer in the from address block. | |
USER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_STREET1 | Logged in user?s address. Either from user, group, dealer or licensee. Usually dealer?s company address. Field: Street and house number. Note: Use this field in your auto generated offer in the from address block. | |
USER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_STREET2 | Logged in user?s address. Either from user, group, dealer or licensee. Usually dealer?s company address. Field: Second part of the street. | |
USER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_COMPANYNAME | Logged in user?s address. Either from user, group, dealer or licensee. Usually dealer?s company address. Field: Legal company name. Note: Use this field in your auto generated offer in the from address block. | |
USER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_VATNUMBER | Logged in user?s address. Either from user, group, dealer or licensee. Usually dealer?s company address. Field: VAT number. | |
USER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_CUSTOMERNUMBER | Logged in user?s address. Either from user, group, dealer or licensee. Usually dealer?s company address. Field: Customer number. | |
USER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_BUSINESSSECTOR | Logged in user?s address. Either from user, group, dealer or licensee. Usually dealer?s company address. Field: Business sector. | |
USER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_SIZECATEGORY | Logged in user?s address. Either from user, group, dealer or licensee. Usually dealer?s company address. Field: Size category. | |
USER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_CONTACTPERSON | Logged in user?s address. Either from user, group, dealer or licensee. Usually dealer?s company address. Field: Sales representative. Note: Use this field in your auto generated offer. | |
USER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_PHONE | Logged in user?s address. Either from user, group, dealer or licensee. Usually dealer?s company address. Field: Phone number of sales representative. Note: Use this field in your auto generated offer. | |
USER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_MOBILEPHONE | Logged in user?s address. Either from user, group, dealer or licensee. Usually dealer?s company address. Field: Mobile number of sales representative. | |
USER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_FAX | Logged in user?s address. Either from user, group, dealer or licensee. Usually dealer?s company address. Field: Fax number of sales representative. | |
USER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_EMAIL | Logged in user?s address. Either from user, group, dealer or licensee. Usually dealer?s company address. Field: Email address of sales representative. Note: Use this field in your auto generated offer. | |
USER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_WEB | Logged in user?s address. Either from user, group, dealer or licensee. Usually dealer?s company address. Field: Dealer?s web page. Note: Use this field in your auto generated offer. | |
USER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_CREATEDAT | Logged in user?s address. Either from user, group, dealer or licensee. Date of creation for the address record. | |
USER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_MODIFIEDAT | Logged in user?s address. Either from user, group, dealer or licensee. Date of modification for the address record. | |
USER_ADDRESS_COUNTRY | Logged in user?s address. Only user?s address no fall back to dealer?s address. Field: Country where the dealer is located. Note: Use this field only if you need address of a user only. | |
USER_ADDRESS_COUNTRYPART | Logged in user?s address. Only user?s address no fall back to dealer?s address. Field: Part of the country where the dealer is located. Note: Use this field only if you need address of a user only. | |
USER_ADDRESS_STATE | Logged in user?s address. Only user?s address no fall back to dealer?s address. Field: State where the dealer is located. Note: Use this field only if you need address of a user only. | |
USER_ADDRESS_REGION | Logged in user?s address. Only user?s address no fall back to dealer?s address. Field: Region where the dealer is located. Note: Use this field only if you need address of a user only. | |
USER_ADDRESS_POSTALCODE | Logged in user?s address. Only user?s address no fall back to dealer?s address. Field: Postal code where the dealer is located. Note: Use this field only if you need address of a user only. | |
USER_ADDRESS_CITY | Logged in user?s address. Only user?s address no fall back to dealer?s address. Field: City where the dealer is located. Note: Use this field only if you need address of a user only. | |
USER_ADDRESS_STREET1 | Logged in user?s address. Only user?s address no fall back to dealer?s address. Field: Street and house number. Note: Use this field only if you need address of a user only. | |
USER_ADDRESS_STREET2 | Logged in user?s address. Only user?s address no fall back to dealer?s address. Field: Second part of the street. Note: Use this field only if you need address of a user only. | |
USER_ADDRESS_COMPANYNAME | Logged in user?s address. Only user?s address no fall back to dealer?s address. Field: Legal company name. Note: Use this field only if you need address of a user only. | |
USER_ADDRESS_VATNUMBER | Logged in user?s address. Only user?s address no fall back to dealer?s address. Field: VAT number. Note: Use this field only if you need address of a user only. | |
USER_ADDRESS_CUSTOMERNUMBER | Logged in user?s address. Only user?s address no fall back to dealer?s address. Field: Customer number. Note: Use this field only if you need address of a user only. | |
USER_ADDRESS_BUSINESSSECTOR | Logged in user?s address. Only user?s address no fall back to dealer?s address. Field: Business sector. Note: Use this field only if you need address of a user only. | |
USER_ADDRESS_SIZECATEGORY | Logged in user?s address. Only user?s address no fall back to dealer?s address. Field: Size category. Note: Use this field only if you need address of a user only. | |
USER_ADDRESS_CONTACTPERSON | Logged in user?s address. Only user?s address no fall back to dealer?s address. Field: Sales representative. Note: Use this field only if you need address of a user only. | |
USER_ADDRESS_PHONE | Logged in user?s address. Only user?s address no fall back to dealer?s address. Field: Phone number of sales representative. Note: Use this field in your auto generated offer. Note: Use this field only if you need address of a user only. | |
USER_ADDRESS_MOBILEPHONE | Logged in user?s address. Only user?s address no fall back to dealer?s address. Field: Mobile number of sales representative. Note: Use this field only if you need address of a user only. | |
USER_ADDRESS_FAX | Logged in user?s address. Only user?s address no fall back to dealer?s address. Field: Fax number of sales representative. Note: Use this field only if you need address of a user only. | |
USER_ADDRESS_EMAIL | Logged in user?s address. Only user?s address no fall back to dealer?s address. Field: Email address of sales representative. Note: Use this field only if you need address of a user only. | |
USER_ADDRESS_WEB | Logged in user?s address. Only user?s address no fall back to dealer?s address. Field: Dealer?s web page. Note: Use this field only if you need address of a user only. | |
USER_ADDRESS_CREATEDAT | Logged in user?s address. Either from user, group, dealer or licensee. Date of creation for the address record. Note: Use this field only if you need address of a user only. | |
USER_ADDRESS_MODIFIEDAT | Logged in user?s address. Either from user, group, dealer or licensee. Date of modification for the address record. Note: Use this field only if you need address of a user only. | |
USER_REMARKS | Remarks to the currently logged in user. | |
USER_CREATEDAT | Date, when was the login for the current user created. | |
USER_MODIFIEDAT | Date, when was the login for the current user last modified. | |
GROUP_NAME | Name of the associated group where the logged in user is located. Usually this is profile (iPad, Advanced etc.) | |
GROUP_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_COUNTRY | Address record of a group or if not available of the dealer or licensee. Field: Country. | |
GROUP_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_COUNTRYPART | Address record of a group or if not available of the dealer or licensee. Field: Part of the country. | |
GROUP_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_STATE | Address record of a group or if not available of the dealer or licensee. Field: State | |
GROUP_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_REGION | Address record of a group or if not available of the dealer or licensee. Field: Region | |
GROUP_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_POSTALCODE | Address record of a group or if not available of the dealer or licensee. Field: Postal Code | |
GROUP_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_CITY | Address record of a group or if not available of the dealer or licensee. Field: City | |
GROUP_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_STREET1 | Address record of a group or if not available of the dealer or licensee. Field: Street1 | |
GROUP_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_STREET2 | Address record of a group or if not available of the dealer or licensee. Field: Street2 | |
GROUP_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_COMPANYNAME | Address record of a group or if not available of the dealer or licensee. Field: Company Name | |
GROUP_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_VATNUMBER | Address record of a group or if not available of the dealer or licensee. Field: VAT Number | |
GROUP_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_CUSTOMERNUMBER | Address record of a group or if not available of the dealer or licensee. Field: Customer Number | |
GROUP_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_BUSINESSSECTOR | Address record of a group or if not available of the dealer or licensee. Field: Business Sector | |
GROUP_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_SIZECATEGORY | Address record of a group or if not available of the dealer or licensee. Field: Size Category | |
GROUP_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_CONTACTPERSON | Address record of a group or if not available of the dealer or licensee. Field: Sales representative | |
GROUP_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_PHONE | Address record of a group or if not available of the dealer or licensee. Field: Phone | |
GROUP_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_MOBILEPHONE | Address record of a group or if not available of the dealer or licensee. Field: Mobile Phone | |
GROUP_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_FAX | Address record of a group or if not available of the dealer or licensee. Field: Fax | |
GROUP_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_EMAIL | Address record of a group or if not available of the dealer or licensee. Field: Email | |
GROUP_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_WEB | Address record of a group or if not available of the dealer or licensee. Field: Web | |
GROUP_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_CREATEDAT | Address record of a group or if not available of the dealer or licensee. Creation date. | |
GROUP_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_MODIFIEDAT | Address record of a group or if not available of the dealer or licensee. Last modification date. | |
GROUP_ADDRESS_COUNTRY | Address record of a group. Field: Country. | |
GROUP_ADDRESS_COUNTRYPART | Address record of a group. Field: Part of the country. | |
GROUP_ADDRESS_STATE | Address record of a group. Field: State | |
GROUP_ADDRESS_REGION | Address record of a group. Field: Region | |
GROUP_ADDRESS_POSTALCODE | Address record of a group. Field: Postal Code | |
GROUP_ADDRESS_CITY | Address record of a group. Field: City | |
GROUP_ADDRESS_STREET1 | Address record of a group. Field: Street1 | |
GROUP_ADDRESS_STREET2 | Address record of a group. Field: Street2 | |
GROUP_ADDRESS_COMPANYNAME | Address record of a group. Field: Company Name | |
GROUP_ADDRESS_VATNUMBER | Address record of a group. Field: VAT Number | |
GROUP_ADDRESS_CUSTOMERNUMBER | Address record of a group. Field: Customer Number | |
GROUP_ADDRESS_BUSINESSSECTOR | Address record of a group. Field: Business Sector | |
GROUP_ADDRESS_SIZECATEGORY | Address record of a group. Field: Size Category | |
GROUP_ADDRESS_CONTACTPERSON | Address record of a group. Field: Sales representative | |
GROUP_ADDRESS_PHONE | Address record of a group. Field: Phone | |
GROUP_ADDRESS_MOBILEPHONE | Address record of a group. Field: Mobile Phone | |
GROUP_ADDRESS_FAX | Address record of a group. Field: Fax | |
GROUP_ADDRESS_EMAIL | Address record of a group. Field: Email | |
GROUP_ADDRESS_WEB | Address record of a group. Field: Web | |
GROUP_ADDRESS_CREATEDAT | Address record of a group. Creation date. | |
GROUP_ADDRESS_MODIFIEDAT | Address record of a group. Last modification date. | |
GROUP_REMARKS | Address record of a group. Field: Country. | |
GROUP_CREATEDAT | Address record of a group. Field: Part of the country. | |
GROUP_MODIFIEDAT | Address record of a group. Field: State | |
DEALER_NAME | Name of the associated dealer. (Where the current logged in user is located) | |
DEALER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_COUNTRY | Address record of a dealer or if not available of the licensee. Field: Country. | |
DEALER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_COUNTRYPART | Address record of a dealer or if not available of the licensee. Field: Part of the country. | |
DEALER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_STATE | Address record of a dealer or if not available of the licensee. Field: State | |
DEALER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_REGION | Address record of a dealer or if not available of the licensee. Field: Region | |
DEALER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_POSTALCODE | Address record of a dealer or if not available of the licensee. Field: Postal Code | |
DEALER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_CITY | Address record of a dealer or if not available of the licensee. Field: City | |
DEALER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_STREET1 | Address record of a dealer or if not available of the licensee. Field: Street1 | |
DEALER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_STREET2 | Address record of a dealer or if not available of the licensee. Field: Street2 | |
DEALER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_COMPANYNAME | Address record of a dealer or if not available of the licensee. Field: Company Name | |
DEALER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_VATNUMBER | Address record of a dealer or if not available of the licensee. Field: VAT Number | |
DEALER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_CUSTOMERNUMBER | Address record of a dealer or if not available of the licensee. Field: Customer Number | |
DEALER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_BUSINESSSECTOR | Address record of a dealer or if not available of the licensee. Field: Business Sector | |
DEALER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_SIZECATEGORY | Address record of a dealer or if not available of the licensee. Field: Size Category | |
DEALER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_CONTACTPERSON | Address record of a dealer or if not available of the licensee. Field: Sales representative | |
DEALER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_PHONE | Address record of a dealer or if not available of the licensee. Field: Phone | |
DEALER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_MOBILEPHONE | Address record of a dealer or if not available of the licensee. Field: Mobile Phone | |
DEALER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_FAX | Address record of a dealer or if not available of the licensee. Field: Fax | |
DEALER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_EMAIL | Address record of a dealer or if not available of the licensee. Field: Email | |
DEALER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_WEB | Address record of a dealer or if not available of the licensee. Field: Web | |
DEALER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_CREATEDAT | Address record of a dealer or if not available of the licensee. Creation date. | |
DEALER_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_MODIFIEDAT | Address record of a dealer or if not available of the licensee. Last modification date. | |
DEALER_ADDRESS_COUNTRY | Address record of a dealer. Field: Country. | |
DEALER_ADDRESS_COUNTRYPART | Address record of a dealer. Field: Part of the country. | |
DEALER_ADDRESS_STATE | Address record of a dealer. Field: State | |
DEALER_ADDRESS_REGION | Address record of a dealer. Field: Region | |
DEALER_ADDRESS_POSTALCODE | Address record of a dealer. Field: Postal Code | |
DEALER_ADDRESS_CITY | Address record of a dealer. Field: City | |
DEALER_ADDRESS_STREET1 | Address record of a dealer. Field: Street1 | |
DEALER_ADDRESS_STREET2 | Address record of a dealer. Field: Street2 | |
DEALER_ADDRESS_COMPANYNAME | Address record of a dealer. Field: Company Name | |
DEALER_ADDRESS_VATNUMBER | Address record of a dealer. Field: VAT Number | |
DEALER_ADDRESS_CUSTOMERNUMBER | Address record of a dealer. Field: Customer Number | |
DEALER_ADDRESS_BUSINESSSECTOR | Address record of a dealer. Field: Business Sector | |
DEALER_ADDRESS_SIZECATEGORY | Address record of a dealer. Field: Size Category | |
DEALER_ADDRESS_CONTACTPERSON | Address record of a dealer. Field: Sales representative | |
DEALER_ADDRESS_PHONE | Address record of a dealer. Field: Phone | |
DEALER_ADDRESS_MOBILEPHONE | Address record of a dealer. Field: Mobile Phone | |
DEALER_ADDRESS_FAX | Address record of a dealer. Field: Fax | |
DEALER_ADDRESS_EMAIL | Address record of a dealer. Field: Email | |
DEALER_ADDRESS_WEB | Address record of a dealer. Field: Web | |
DEALER_ADDRESS_CREATEDAT | Address record of a dealer. Creation date. | |
DEALER_ADDRESS_MODIFIEDAT | Address record of a dealer. Last modification date. | |
DEALER_REMARKS | Address record of a dealer. Field: Country. | |
DEALER_CREATEDAT | Address record of a dealer. Field: Part of the country. | |
DEALER_MODIFIEDAT | Address record of a dealer. Field: State | |
LICENSEE_NAME | Name of the associated licensee. (Where the current logged in user is located) | |
LICENSEE_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_COUNTRY | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: Country. | |
LICENSEE_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_COUNTRYPART | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: Part of the country. | |
LICENSEE_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_STATE | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: State | |
LICENSEE_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_REGION | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: Region | |
LICENSEE_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_POSTALCODE | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: Postal Code | |
LICENSEE_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_CITY | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: City | |
LICENSEE_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_STREET1 | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: Street1 | |
LICENSEE_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_STREET2 | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: Street2 | |
LICENSEE_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_COMPANYNAME | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: Company Name | |
LICENSEE_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_VATNUMBER | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: VAT Number | |
LICENSEE_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_CUSTOMERNUMBER | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: Customer Number | |
LICENSEE_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_BUSINESSSECTOR | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: Business Sector | |
LICENSEE_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_SIZECATEGORY | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: Size Category | |
LICENSEE_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_CONTACTPERSON | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: Sales representative | |
LICENSEE_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_PHONE | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: Phone | |
LICENSEE_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_MOBILEPHONE | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: Mobile Phone | |
LICENSEE_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_FAX | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: Fax | |
LICENSEE_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_EMAIL | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: Email | |
LICENSEE_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_WEB | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: Web | |
LICENSEE_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_CREATEDAT | Address record of the associated licensee. Creation date. | |
LICENSEE_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_MODIFIEDAT | Address record of the associated licensee. Last modification date. | |
LICENSEE_ADDRESS_COUNTRY | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: Country; Note: Same like active address, because there is no higher level available. | |
LICENSEE_ADDRESS_COUNTRYPART | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: Part of the country; Note: Same like active address, because there is no higher level available. | |
LICENSEE_ADDRESS_STATE | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: State; Note: Same like active address, because there is no higher level available. | |
LICENSEE_ADDRESS_REGION | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: Region; Note: Same like active address, because there is no higher level available. | |
LICENSEE_ADDRESS_POSTALCODE | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: Postal Code; Note: Same like active address, because there is no higher level available. | |
LICENSEE_ADDRESS_CITY | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: City; Note: Same like active address, because there is no higher level available. | |
LICENSEE_ADDRESS_STREET1 | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: Street1; Note: Same like active address, because there is no higher level available. | |
LICENSEE_ADDRESS_STREET2 | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: Street2; Note: Same like active address, because there is no higher level available. | |
LICENSEE_ADDRESS_COMPANYNAME | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: Company Name; Note: Same like active address, because there is no higher level available. | |
LICENSEE_ADDRESS_VATNUMBER | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: VAT Number; Note: Same like active address, because there is no higher level available. | |
LICENSEE_ADDRESS_CUSTOMERNUMBER | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: Customer Number; Note: Same like active address, because there is no higher level available. | |
LICENSEE_ADDRESS_BUSINESSSECTOR | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: Business Sector; Note: Same like active address, because there is no higher level available. | |
LICENSEE_ADDRESS_SIZECATEGORY | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: Size Category; Note: Same like active address, because there is no higher level available. | |
LICENSEE_ADDRESS_CONTACTPERSON | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: Sales representative; Note: Same like active address, because there is no higher level available. | |
LICENSEE_ADDRESS_PHONE | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: Phone; Note: Same like active address, because there is no higher level available. | |
LICENSEE_ADDRESS_MOBILEPHONE | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: Mobile Phone; Note: Same like active address, because there is no higher level available. | |
LICENSEE_ADDRESS_FAX | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: Fax; Note: Same like active address, because there is no higher level available. | |
LICENSEE_ADDRESS_EMAIL | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: Email; Note: Same like active address, because there is no higher level available. | |
LICENSEE_ADDRESS_WEB | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: Web; Note: Same like active address, because there is no higher level available. | |
LICENSEE_ADDRESS_CREATEDAT | Address record of the associated licensee. Creation date. ; Note: Same like active address, because there is no higher level available. | |
LICENSEE_ADDRESS_MODIFIEDAT | Address record of the associated licensee. Last modification date. ; Note: Same like active address, because there is no higher level available. | |
LICENSEE_REMARKS | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: Country. ; Note: Same like active address, because there is no higher level available. | |
LICENSEE_CREATEDAT | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: Part of the country. ; Note: Same like active address, because there is no higher level available. | |
LICENSEE_MODIFIEDAT | Address record of the associated licensee. Field: State; Note: Same like active address, because there is no higher level available. | |
CPD_CATEGORY | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the most frequent category (MFD, printer, copier, scanner etc.) of the fleet. | |
CPD_MODELS | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides number of different models (E.g. 2 - | |
CPD_VR_RL-VOL?PRN?STD | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of pages printed [PRN] in standard [STD] format (A4) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_VR_RL-VOL?COP?STD | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of pages copied [COP] in standard [STD] format (A4) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_VR_RL-VOL?SCAN?STD | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of scans [SCAN] in standard [STD] format (A4) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_VR_RL-VOL?PRN?SMALL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of pages printed [PRN] in small [SMALL] format (A5) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_VR_RL-VOL?COP?SMALL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of pages copied [COP] in small [SMALL] format (A5) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_VR_RL-VOL?SCAN?SMALL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of scans [SCAN] in small [SMALL] format (A5) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_VR_RL-VOL?PRN?LARGE | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of pages printed [PRN] in large [LARGE] format (A3) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_VR_RL-VOL?COP?LARGE | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of pages copied [PRN] in large [LARGE] format (A3) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_VR_RL-VOL?SCAN?LARGE | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of scans [SCAN] in large [LARGE] format (A3) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_VR_RL-VOL?PRN?STD?BW | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of mono [BW] pages printed [PRN] in standard [STD] format (A4) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_VR_RL-VOL?PRN?STD?COL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of colour [COL] pages printed [PRN] in standard [STD] format (A4) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_VR_RL-VOL?PRN?SMALL?BW | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of mono [BW] pages printed [PRN] in small [SMALL] format (A5) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_VR_RL-VOL?PRN?SMALL?COL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of colour [COL] pages printed [PRN] in standard [STD] format (A5) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_VR_RL-VOL?PRN?LARGE?BW | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of mono [BW] pages printed [PRN] in large [LARGE] format (A3) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_VR_RL-VOL?PRN?LARGE?COL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of colour [COL] pages printed [PRN] in large [LARGE] format (A3) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_VR_RL-VOL?COP?STD?BW | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of mono [BW] pages copied [COP] in standard [STD] format (A4) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_VR_RL-VOL?COP?STD?COL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of colour [COL] pages copied [COP] in standard [STD] format (A4) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_VR_RL-VOL?COP?SMALL?BW | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of mono [BW] pages copied [COP] in small [SMALL] format (A5) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_VR_RL-VOL?COP?SMALL?COL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of colour [COL] pages copied [COP] in small [SMALL] format (A5) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_VR_RL-VOL?COP?LARGE?BW | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of mono [BW] pages copied [COP] in large [LARGE] format (A3) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_VR_RL-VOL?COP?LARGE?COL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of colour [BW] pages copied [COP] in large [LARGE] format (A3) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_VR_RL-VOL?SCAN?STD?BW | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of mono [BW] scans [SCAN] in standard [STD] format (A4) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_VR_RL-VOL?SCAN?STD?COL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of colour [COL] scans [SCAN] in standard [STD] format (A4) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_VR_RL-VOL?SCAN?SMALL?BW | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of mono [BW] scans [SCAN] in small [SMALL] format (A5) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_VR_RL-VOL?SCAN?SMALL?COL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of colour [COL] scans [SCAN] in small [SMALL] format (A5) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_VR_RL-VOL?SCAN?LARGE?BW | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of mono [BW] scans [SCAN] in large [LARGE] format (A3) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_VR_RL-VOL?SCAN?LARGE?COL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of colour [COL] scans [SCAN] in large [LARGE] format (A3) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_VR_RL-VOL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of pages (prints and copies of all formats converted to A4) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_VR_RL-VOL?BW | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of mono [BW] pages (prints and copies of all formats converted to A4) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_VR_RL-VOL?COL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of colour [COL] pages (prints and copies of all formats converted to A4) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_VR_RL-FAXES-SENT-VOL?STD?BW | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of sent mono [BW] faxes in standard [STD] format (A4) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_VR_RL-FAXES-RECEIVED-VOL?STD?BW | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of sent colour [COL] faxes in standard [STD] format (A4) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_VR_RL-DUPLEX-VOL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of pages printed in duplex (two pages per sheet) per month or different TIU. Doesn?t matter what format (A3,A4,A5). | |
CPD_VR_RL-DUPLEX-VOL?STD | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of standard [STD] format (A4) pages printed in duplex (two pages per sheet) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_VR_RL-DUPLEX-VOL?SMALL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of small [SMALL] format (A5) pages printed in duplex (two pages per sheet) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_VR_RL-DUPLEX-VOL?LARGE | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of large [LARGE] format (A3) pages printed in duplex (two pages per sheet) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_RL-VOL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). RL (Real Volumes per month or different TIU as a result of volumes result plausibility calculation). Provides the total number of pages (prints and copies of all formats converted to standard format A4) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_RL-VOL?BW | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). RL (Real Volumes per month or different TIU as a result of volumes result plausibility calculation). Provides the total number of mono [BW] pages (prints and copies of all formats converted to standard format A4) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_RL-VOL?COL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). RL (Real Volumes per month or different TIU as a result of volumes result plausibility calculation). Provides the total number of colour pages (prints and copies of all formats converted to standard format A4) per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_AVG-RL-VOL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). AVG-RL (Average Real Volumes per month or different TIU). Provides average number of pages per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_AVG-RL-VOL?BW | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). AVG-RL (Average Real Volumes per month or different TIU). Provides average number of mono [BW] pages per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_AVG-RL-VOL?COL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). AVG-RL (Average Real Volumes per month or different TIU). Provides average number of colour [COL] pages per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_TCO?BW | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the mono [BW] part of the TCO (Total Cost of Ownership). This includes all asset related costs: hardware, software, consumables, maintenance, contractual costs as well as energy and paper if desired. | |
CPD_TCO?COL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the colour [COL] part of the TCO (Total Cost of Ownership). This includes all asset related costs: hardware, software, consumables, maintenance, contractual costs as well as energy and paper if desired. | |
CPD_CPP | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides total fleet?s Costs Per Page (CPP). | |
CPD_CPP?BW | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides total fleet?s Costs Per mono [BW] Page (CPP) as a result of the TCO divided by total volumes. | |
CPD_CPP?COL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides total fleet?s Costs Per colour [COL] Page (CPP) as a result of the TCO divided by total volumes. | |
CPD_URATE | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the average Utilization Rate (URATE) of a fleet. The utilization rate is a percentage calculated either via speed of a device and the maximum theoretically possible loading per day or a percentage in relation to duty cycle. | |
CPD_PAPER-SHEETS-PERTIU | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the number of paper sheets per month or TIU required due to print and copy page volume. | |
CPD_PAPER-PACKAGES-PERTIU | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the number of paper packages per month or TIU. Calculated via settings (number of sheets in a standard package) and number of sheets as a result of printed and copied pages. | |
CPD_GREEN-E-TOTAL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the total amount of energy in kWh required by the fleet direct and indirect. Means it includes the power consumptions of devices and also indirect power consumptions of factories during the manufacturing process of paper and toner cartridges. | |
CPD_GREEN-E-DIRECT | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the amount of energy in kWh required by the fleet directly. Means it includes the power consumptions of devices only. | |
CPD_GREEN-E-PAPER | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the amount of energy in kWh required indirectly for manufacturing paper required by the fleet. Means it includes the power consumptions of factories required to manufacture paper. | |
CPD_GREEN-E-SUPPLY | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the amount of energy in kWh required indirectly for manufacturing cartridges required by the fleet. Means it includes the power consumptions of factories required to manufacture ink and toner cartridges. | |
CPD_GREEN-CO2-TOTAL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the total amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in kg or different measurement unit indirectly produced by the fleet. Means it includes the resultant CO2 emission calculated on one hand from the asset?s energy consumption (factor kWh to CO2) and on the other hand from the manufacturing process of required paper and supplies (cartridges etc.). | |
CPD_GREEN-CO2-DIRECT | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in kg or different measurement unit indirectly produced by the fleet but as a result of direct power consumption. Means it includes the resultant CO2 emission calculated from the asset?s energy consumption (factor kWh to CO2) only. | |
CPD_GREEN-CO2-PAPER | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in kg or different measurement unit indirectly produced due to consumption of paper. Means it includes the resultant CO2 emission calculated from the manufacturing process of the paper only. | |
CPD_GREEN-CO2-SUPPLY | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in kg or different measurement unit indirectly produced due to consumption of supply units. Means it includes the resultant CO2 emission calculated from the manufacturing process of the supplies such as ink- and toner-cartridges. | |
CPD_GREEN-INKS | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the total number of ink cartridges required by the fleet per month or TIU. | |
CPD_GREEN-TONERS | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the total number of toner cartridges required by the fleet per month or TIU. | |
CPD_GREEN-OTHER-SUPPLIES | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the total number of miscellaneous supplies required by the fleet per month or TIU. | |
CPD_GREEN-SUPPLIES | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the total number of all supplies (toner, ink, drums, print heads etc.) required by the fleet per month or TIU. | |
CPD_GREEN-QNT-PAPER | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the quantity of paper required by the fleet in tons or another measurement unit (weight level 3). | |
CPD_GREEN-WATER-PAPER | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the volume of water in litres or another measurement unit (volume level 2) needed to manufacture amount of paper required by the fleet. | |
CPD_GREEN-WOOD-PAPER | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the quantity of wood in kilogram or another measurement unit (weight level 3) needed to manufacture amount of paper required by the fleet. | |
CPD_GREEN-E-EQV-HOUSEHOLDS | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the number of households could be supplied by energy as equivalent to the direct and indirect energy consumption of the fleet. Output per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_GREEN-CO2-EQV-CARRANGE | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the number of kilometres could be driven by an average car as equivalent to the indirect CO2 emission of the fleet. Output per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_GREEN-WOOD-EQV-TREES | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the number of trees as equivalent to the indirect wood consumption due to manufacturing of paper. Output per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_GREEN-WATER-EQV-BATHS | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the number of bathtubs as equivalent to the indirect water consumption due to manufacturing of paper. Output per month or different TIU. | |
CPD_REMARKS | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the most frequent asset?s remark out of the fleet. | |
CPD_SPEC-FULL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the most frequent asset?s specification out of the fleet. Full version of specification. | |
CPD_SPEC-LIGHT | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the most frequent asset?s specification out of the fleet. Light version of specification. | |
CPD_ORDERNR | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the most frequent asset?s official article order number out of the fleet. | |
CPD_ORDERNR-DLR | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the most frequent asset?s dealer specific article order number out of the fleet. (Dealer?s order number is usually an article number out of the ERP system) | |
CPD_MIN-DATE-INVENTORY | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the oldest date of inventory out of the fleet. | |
CPD_MAX-DATE-INVENTORY | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the youngest date of inventory out of the fleet. | |
CPD_MIN-PERIOD-DEPRECIATION | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the smallest period of depreciations in months out of the fleet. | |
CPD_MAX-PERIOD-DEPRECIATION | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the highest period of depreciations in months out of the fleet. | |
CPD_AVG-PERIOD-DEPRECIATION | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the fleet?s average period of depreciations in months. | |
CPD_SUPPLY-MAKES | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the total number of different makes selected from the consumable list. Means how many different supplier/manufacturer the customer has to deal with. | |
CPD_SUPPLY-MODELS | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the total number of different supply names selected from the consumable list. Means how many different supply items the customer has to deal with. | |
CPD_SUPPLY-USED | Summary of the used supplies (current asset paper devices) | |
CPD_SUPPLY-USED-BYMODEL | Summary of the used supplies - by model (current asset paper devices) | |
CPD_USERS | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the total sum of users calculated from the asset?s field ?number of users?. Please note, that this figure could represent a higher number of users than in reality is, because one user could use more than one asset. | |
CPD_ATTACHMENT-IMG | Attachements and Images for the report (current asset paper devices) | |
CPD_ITEMS | Not used as a single placeholder, because it represents the summary object of assets. | |
CPD_NAME | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides all different model names separated with comma. E.g. ?LaserJet 5, Stylus C82, MX-C311? | |
CPD_MAKE | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides all different make names separated with comma. E.g. ?HP, Epson, Sharp? | |
CPD_DESCRIPTION | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the first found product description (remarks field transferred from portfolio) with the word wrap. | |
CPD_DESCRIPTION-LISTED | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the first found product description (remarks field transferred from portfolio) with the word wrap and leading ?-? character as kind of bullet point. | |
CPD_N | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the number of assets in the fleet. | |
CPD_MAKES | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the number of different makes in the fleet. | |
CPD_TCO | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for the entire fleet. | |
CPD_N-WITH-REAL-VOL | Count of the real volumes (current asset paper devices) | |
CPD_N-WITH-NOT-REALISTIC-VOL | Count of negative or extremely high volumes (current asset paper devices) | |
CPD_N-WITH-PRODUCT-COSTS | Count of existing product costs (current asset paper devices) | |
CPD_N-WITH-MAINT-COSTS | Count of existing maintenance costs (current asset paper devices) | |
CPD_N-WITH-D-ENERGY-CONSM | Count of direct energy consumption (current asset paper devices) | |
CPD_N-MATCHING-GREEN | Count of matching green (current asset paper devices) | |
CPD_N-MATCHING-YELLOW | Count of matching yellow (current asset paper devices) | |
CPD_N-MATCHING-ORANGE | Count of matching orange (current asset paper devices) | |
CPD_N-MATCHING-RED | Count of matching red (current asset paper devices) | |
CPD_TCO-PRODUCT | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the product part of the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for the entire fleet. Note: TCO is separated to two main parts ? a) Product part as a result of hardware and software costs and b) Maintenance costs as a result of service costs out of different contracts as well as the costs for consumables. This one represents (a). | |
CPD_TCO-MAINT | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the maintenance part of the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for the entire fleet. Note: TCO is separated to two main parts ? a) Product part as a result of hardware and software costs and b) Maintenance costs as a result of service costs out of different contracts as well as the costs for consumables. This one represents (b). | |
CPD_TCO-MAINT?BW | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the mono part of the maintenance part of the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for the entire fleet. | |
CPD_TCO-MAINT?COL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the colour part of the maintenance part of the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for the entire fleet. | |
CPD_TCO-MAINT-CONT | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the contractual part of the maintenance area of the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for the entire fleet. Note: Maintenance part of the TCO is spitted to two main components: a) Contractual maintenance as a result of any costs from service contracts and b) Non-contractual maintenance as a result of any non-binding costs such as consumables, internal repairs and support. This one provides (a). | |
CPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the non-contractual part of the maintenance area of the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for the entire fleet. Note: Maintenance part of the TCO is spitted to two main components: a) Contractual maintenance as a result of any costs from service contracts and b) Non-contractual maintenance as a result of any non-binding costs such as consumables, internal repairs and support. This one provides (b). | |
CPD_TCO-PRODUCT-PURCHASE | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a piece of the TCO which represents the purchase costs. Means costs calculated via depreciation period and purchasing price plus interest rate. This is a first segment of the product section of the TCO. | |
CPD_TCO-PRODUCT-LEASINGHW | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a piece of the TCO which represents the lease costs. Means costs from any lease contract without any costs for service. This is a second segment of the product section of the TCO. | |
CPD_TCO-PRODUCT-RENTALHW | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a piece of the TCO which represents the rental costs. Means costs from any rental contract without any costs for service. This is a third segment of the product section of the TCO. | |
CPD_TCO-PRODUCT-RENTALLIN | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). This member of the TCO represents the estimated soft/hardware piece of the rent all in fee. Means costs from any rent all in contract excluding any costs for service. This is a fourth segment of the product section of the TCO. In order to split the all-in fee to hardware and service part the software takes as an indicator the purchase price and the supply costs. | |
CPD_TCO-PRODUCT-PERCLICK | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). This member of the TCO represents the estimated soft/hardware piece of the rent all in fee calculated via all in price per page. Means costs from any all in per page contract excluding any costs for service. This is a fifth segment of the product section of the TCO. In order to split the all-in fee to hardware and service part the software takes as an indicator the purchase price and the supply costs. | |
CPD_TCO-MAINT-CONT-FIX | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a piece of the contractual maintenance costs of the TCO. It represents the fixed costs of any maintenance contracts. Basically it is a result of fixed volumes and service price per page. | |
CPD_TCO-MAINT-CONT-FIX-RENTALLIN | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a piece of the fixed contractual maintenance costs of the TCO. It represents the rent all in part of it. | |
CPD_TCO-MAINT-CONT-FIX-PERCLICK | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a piece of the fixed contractual maintenance costs of the TCO. It represents the per page contract in part of it. | |
CPD_TCO-MAINT-CONT-OVERPAGE | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a piece of the contractual maintenance costs of the TCO. It represents the overage costs as a result of higher real volumes in comparison to the contractual fixed volumes. | |
CPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-CONS | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a piece of the non-contractual maintenance costs of the TCO. It represents the consumable costs as a result of calculation based on the entered coverage and the asset?s page volume. | |
CPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-CONS?BW | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a piece of the mono non-contractual maintenance costs of the TCO. It represents the consumable costs as a result of calculation based on the entered coverage and the asset?s mono page volume. | |
CPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-CONS?COL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a piece of the colour non-contractual maintenance costs of the TCO. It represents the consumable costs as a result of calculation based on the entered coverage and the asset?s colour page volume. | |
CPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-CONS-CPP?STD?BW | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the costs per standard (STD) format mono page (BW) for consumables only. Basically the mono consumable costs divided by the number of mono pages. | |
CPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-CONS-CPP?STD?COL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the costs per standard (STD) format colour page (COL) for consumables only. Basically the colour consumable costs divided by the number of colour pages. | |
CPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-REPAIR | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a piece of the non-contractual maintenance costs of the TCO. It represents the special costs for support and repairs. Usually these costs are coming from invoices provided by the customer and distributed to assets. | |
CPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-E | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a piece of the non-contractual maintenance costs of the TCO. It represents the energy costs as a result of direct power consumption of devices. | |
CPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-PAPER | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a piece of the non-contractual maintenance costs of the TCO. It represents the paper costs. | |
CPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-EFFORT | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a piece of the non-contractual maintenance costs of the TCO. It represents the labour costs calculated via hourly rate and the amount of hours required for support, administration or updates. Effort segment includes only costs calculated via hourly rate of a technician (internal or external) and the number of hours. | |
CPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-PROCESS | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a piece of the non-contractual maintenance costs of the TCO. It represents the labour costs calculated via hourly rate and the amount of hours required for different asset related processes such as walking, authentication etc. Effort segment includes only costs calculated via hourly rate of an average employee and the number of hours. | |
CPD_TCO-PRODUCT-ALLIN | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the all-in piece of the product part of the TCO. Means this includes only the hardware/software part of the rent all in or per page all in costs. | |
CPD_TCO-PRODUCT-RENTALPLUSLEASINGHW | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the pure rental and lease costs. Means this includes only the hardware/software part of the lease and rental contracts. | |
CPD_TCO-MAINT-PURE | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the pure maintenance contract costs. Means this includes only the service part of any contract, but it does not include consumables and any other service costs. | |
CPD_TCO-ALLIN | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the all in fees. No split to product and maintenance part. | |
CPD_TCO-PRODUCT-MAINT-NONCONT-PAPER-E-SUM | Sum of product, supplies, support, maintenance and direct energy and paper costs (current asset paper device) | |
CPD_PROCESS-TIME-HARDWARE-INSTALL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the number of hours required in total to install the hardware. | |
CPD_PROCESS-TIME-SOFTWARE-INSTALL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the number of hours required in total to install the software. | |
CPD_PROCESS-TIME-MAINTENANCE | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the number of hours required in total to maintain the hardware and software. | |
CPD_PROCESS-TIME-PROGRAMMING | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the number of hours required in total to do any individual programing for the hardware or software. | |
CPD_PROCESS-TIME-ADMIN | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the number of hours required in total for the administrational work in relation to assets. | |
CPD_PROCESS-TIME-UPDATE | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the number of hours required in total for the updates of firmware or software. | |
CPD_PROCESS-TIME-SUPPORT | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the number of hours required in total for supporting hardware and software assets. | |
CPD_PROCESS-COSTS-HARDWARE-INSTALL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the costs in total to install the hardware. It is a result of calculation - number of hours multiplied by the hourly rate. | |
CPD_PROCESS-COSTS-SOFTWARE-INSTALL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the costs in total to install the software. It is a result of calculation - number of hours multiplied by the hourly rate. | |
CPD_PROCESS-COSTS-MAINTENANCE | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the costs in total to maintain the hardware and software. It is a result of calculation - number of hours multiplied by the hourly rate. | |
CPD_PROCESS-COSTS-PROGRAMMING | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the costs in total to do any individual programing for the hardware or software. It is a result of calculation - number of hours multiplied by the hourly rate. | |
CPD_PROCESS-COSTS-ADMIN | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the costs in total for the administrational work in relation to assets. It is a result of calculation - number of hours multiplied by the hourly rate. | |
CPD_PROCESS-COSTS-UPDATE | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the costs in total for the updates of firmware or software. It is a result of calculation - number of hours multiplied by the hourly rate. | |
CPD_PROCESS-COSTS-SUPPORT | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the costs in total for supporting hardware and software assets. It is a result of calculation - number of hours multiplied by the hourly rate. | |
CPD_PROCESS-N-WALK?PRN | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the number of walks per month (or TIU) to get a print out. This frequency is a number of transactions of a specific process. | |
CPD_PROCESS-N-WALK?COP | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the number of walks per month (or TIU) to make a copy. This frequency is a number of transactions of a specific process. | |
CPD_PROCESS-N-WALK?SCAN | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the number of walks per month (or TIU) to scan a document with a pre-defined number of pages (scan job size). This frequency is a number of transactions of a specific process. | |
CPD_PROCESS-N-WALK | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the number of walks per month (or TIU) to make a copy. This frequency is a number of transactions of a specific process. | |
CPD_PROCESS-N-AUTHN?PRN | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the number of authentications on device for getting printout. This frequency is a number of transactions of a specific process. | |
CPD_PROCESS-N-AUTHN?COP | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the number of authentications on device for making a copy of a document. This frequency is a number of transactions of a specific process. | |
CPD_PROCESS-N-AUTHN?SCAN | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the number of authentications on device for making a copy of a document. This frequency is a number of transactions of a specific process. | |
CPD_PROCESS-N-AUTHN | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the total number of authentications on device for any job. This frequency is a number of transactions of a specific process. | |
CPD_PROCESS-TIME-WALK?PRN | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the duration of all walking paths with an aim to get a printout in hours. | |
CPD_PROCESS-TIME-WALK?COP | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the duration of all walking paths with an aim to do a copy in hours. | |
CPD_PROCESS-TIME-WALK?SCAN | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the duration of all walking paths with an aim to do a scan in hours. | |
CPD_PROCESS-TIME-WALK | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the duration of all walking paths in hours. | |
CPD_PROCESS-TIME-AUTHN?PRN | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the duration of all authentications with an aim to get a printout in hours. | |
CPD_PROCESS-TIME-AUTHN?COP | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the duration of all authentications with an aim to do a copy in hours. | |
CPD_PROCESS-TIME-AUTHN?SCAN | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the duration of all authentications with an aim to do a scan in hours. | |
CPD_PROCESS-TIME-AUTHN | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the duration of all authentications in hours. | |
CPD_PROCESS-TIME-EMPLOYEE | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the total amount of hours of the employees for walking and authentication. | |
CPD_PROCESS-TIME-STUFF | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the total amount of hours of the employees for walking and authentication. Plus other future processes which are not available yet. | |
CPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-PROCESS-WALK?PRN | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the calculated costs of all walking paths with an aim to get a printout. Employee hourly rate multiplied by the number of hours. | |
CPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-PROCESS-WALK?COP | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the calculated costs of all walking paths with an aim to do a copy. Employee hourly rate multiplied by the number of hours. | |
CPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-PROCESS-WALK?SCAN | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the calculated costs of all walking paths with an aim to do a scan. Employee hourly rate multiplied by the number of hours. | |
CPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-PROCESS-WALK | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the calculated costs of all walking paths. Employee hourly rate multiplied by the number of hours. | |
CPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-PROCESS-AUTHN?PRN | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the calculated costs of all authentications with an aim to get a printout. Employee hourly rate multiplied by the number of hours. | |
CPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-PROCESS-AUTHN?COP | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the calculated costs of all authentications with an aim to do a copy. Employee hourly rate multiplied by the number of hours. | |
CPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-PROCESS-AUTHN?SCAN | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the calculated costs of all authentications with an aim to do a scan. Employee hourly rate multiplied by the number of hours. | |
CPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-PROCESS-AUTHN | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the calculated costs of all authentications. Employee hourly rate multiplied by the number of hours. | |
CPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-PROCESS-EMPLOYEE | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the total costs of the walking and authentication processes. Employee hourly rate multiplied by the total number of hours. | |
CPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-PROCESS-STUFF | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the total costs of the walking and authentication processes. Plus other future processes which are not available yet. | |
CPD_PRICE-CMR-EQU | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the total sum of all customer buy prices for accessories and any additional equipment. | |
CPD_PRICE-DLR-EQU | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the total sum of all dealer purchasing prices for accessories and any additional equipment. | |
CPD_DISCOUNT-CMR-EQU | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides calculated discount (absolute amount sum) of the customer buy prices for accessories and any additional equipment. | |
CPD_DISCOUNT-DLR-EQU | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides calculated discount (absolute amount sum) of the dealer purchase prices for accessories and any additional equipment. | |
CPD_PRICE-CMR-TOTAL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the final customer total buy price for a device and accessories. All discounts, accessories and manual correction considered. | |
CPD_PRICE-DLR-TOTAL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the final dealer purchase price for a device and accessories. All discounts, accessories and manual correction considered. | |
CPD_PRICE-CMR-DB | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the original customer price for device out of the database. This is usually market price or recommended retail price. | |
CPD_PRICE-CMR-MANUAL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the manually entered customer price in order to use it instead of the database price. | |
CPD_PRICE-CMR | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the resultant customer price for an asset. This is either database price, discounted database price or manually entered price. Note: This price doesn?t include accessories. | |
CPD_DISCOUNT-PERCENT | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the applied discount in percent for calculating the resultant price based on the database price. This percentage is used for customer price as well as for the dealer price. | |
CPD_PRICE-DLR-DB | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the original dealer price for device out of the database or portfolio. This is usually dealer?s internal purchase price. | |
CPD_PRICE-DLR-MANUAL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the manually entered dealer price in order to use it instead of the database/portfolio price. | |
CPD_PRICE-DLR | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the resultant dealer price for a suggested asset. This is either database/portfolio price, discounted database price or manually entered price. Note: This price doesn?t include accessories. | |
CPD_DISCOUNT-CMR-ABSOLUTE | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the applied discount as absolute amount. This amount calculated from customer database price using the entered discount in percent. It doesn?t include any discounts for the accessories. | |
CPD_DISCOUNT-DLR-ABSOLUTE | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the applied discount as absolute amount. This amount calculated from dealer database/portfolio price using the entered discount in percent. It doesn?t include any discounts for the accessories. | |
CPD_REPLACEMENT | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the calculated suggested replacement amount. This calculation is based on the amount paid every month multiplied by the number of remaining contract months. Depreciation is considered as well. | |
CPD_RATIO_EMPLOYEES-PER-DEVICE | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a ratio ? number of employees per device. Number of employees using the same device. | |
CPD_RATIO_DEVICES-PER-EMPLOYEE | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a ratio ? number of devices per employee. Number of devices an average employee uses. | |
CPD_RATIO_VOLUME-PER-EMPLOYEE | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a ratio ? page volumes per employee. Number of pages an average employee prints. | |
CPD_RATIO_TCO-PER-EMPLOYEE | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a ratio ? costs per employee. Costs an average employee causes in relation to the fleet. | |
CPD_RATIO_CO2-PER-EMPLOYEE | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a ratio ? CO2 emission per employee. Carbon dioxide emission an average employee indirectly causes in relation to the fleet. | |
CPD_RATIO_SCAN-PER-EMPLOYEE?STD | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a ratio ? number of standard format (A4) scans made by an average employee. | |
CPD_RATIO_SCAN-PER-EMPLOYEE?LARGE | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a ratio ? number of large format (A3) scans made by an average employee. | |
CPD_RATIO_SCAN-PER-EMPLOYEE?SMALL | CPD (Current fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a ratio ? number of small format (A4) scans made by an average employee. | |
TPD_CATEGORY | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the most frequent category (MFD, printer, copier, scanner etc.) of the fleet. | |
TPD_MODELS | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides number of different models (E.g. 2 - | |
TPD_VR_RL-VOL?PRN?STD | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of pages printed [PRN] in standard [STD] format (A4) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_VR_RL-VOL?COP?STD | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of pages copied [COP] in standard [STD] format (A4) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_VR_RL-VOL?SCAN?STD | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of scans [SCAN] in standard [STD] format (A4) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_VR_RL-VOL?PRN?SMALL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of pages printed [PRN] in small [SMALL] format (A5) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_VR_RL-VOL?COP?SMALL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of pages copied [COP] in small [SMALL] format (A5) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_VR_RL-VOL?SCAN?SMALL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of scans [SCAN] in small [SMALL] format (A5) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_VR_RL-VOL?PRN?LARGE | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of pages printed [PRN] in large [LARGE] format (A3) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_VR_RL-VOL?COP?LARGE | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of pages copied [PRN] in large [LARGE] format (A3) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_VR_RL-VOL?SCAN?LARGE | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of scans [SCAN] in large [LARGE] format (A3) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_VR_RL-VOL?PRN?STD?BW | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of mono [BW] pages printed [PRN] in standard [STD] format (A4) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_VR_RL-VOL?PRN?STD?COL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of colour [COL] pages printed [PRN] in standard [STD] format (A4) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_VR_RL-VOL?PRN?SMALL?BW | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of mono [BW] pages printed [PRN] in small [SMALL] format (A5) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_VR_RL-VOL?PRN?SMALL?COL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of colour [COL] pages printed [PRN] in standard [STD] format (A5) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_VR_RL-VOL?PRN?LARGE?BW | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of mono [BW] pages printed [PRN] in large [LARGE] format (A3) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_VR_RL-VOL?PRN?LARGE?COL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of colour [COL] pages printed [PRN] in large [LARGE] format (A3) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_VR_RL-VOL?COP?STD?BW | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of mono [BW] pages copied [COP] in standard [STD] format (A4) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_VR_RL-VOL?COP?STD?COL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of colour [COL] pages copied [COP] in standard [STD] format (A4) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_VR_RL-VOL?COP?SMALL?BW | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of mono [BW] pages copied [COP] in small [SMALL] format (A5) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_VR_RL-VOL?COP?SMALL?COL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of colour [COL] pages copied [COP] in small [SMALL] format (A5) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_VR_RL-VOL?COP?LARGE?BW | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of mono [BW] pages copied [COP] in large [LARGE] format (A3) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_VR_RL-VOL?COP?LARGE?COL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of colour [BW] pages copied [COP] in large [LARGE] format (A3) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_VR_RL-VOL?SCAN?STD?BW | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of mono [BW] scans [SCAN] in standard [STD] format (A4) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_VR_RL-VOL?SCAN?STD?COL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of colour [COL] scans [SCAN] in standard [STD] format (A4) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_VR_RL-VOL?SCAN?SMALL?BW | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of mono [BW] scans [SCAN] in small [SMALL] format (A5) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_VR_RL-VOL?SCAN?SMALL?COL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of colour [COL] scans [SCAN] in small [SMALL] format (A5) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_VR_RL-VOL?SCAN?LARGE?BW | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of mono [BW] scans [SCAN] in large [LARGE] format (A3) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_VR_RL-VOL?SCAN?LARGE?COL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of colour [COL] scans [SCAN] in large [LARGE] format (A3) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_VR_RL-VOL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of pages (prints and copies of all formats converted to A4) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_VR_RL-VOL?BW | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of mono [BW] pages (prints and copies of all formats converted to A4) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_VR_RL-VOL?COL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of colour [COL] pages (prints and copies of all formats converted to A4) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_VR_RL-FAXES-SENT-VOL?STD?BW | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of sent mono [BW] faxes in standard [STD] format (A4) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_VR_RL-FAXES-RECEIVED-VOL?STD?BW | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of sent colour [COL] faxes in standard [STD] format (A4) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_VR_RL-DUPLEX-VOL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of pages printed in duplex (two pages per sheet) per month or different TIU. Doesn?t matter what format (A3,A4,A5). | |
TPD_VR_RL-DUPLEX-VOL?STD | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of standard [STD] format (A4) pages printed in duplex (two pages per sheet) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_VR_RL-DUPLEX-VOL?SMALL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of small [SMALL] format (A5) pages printed in duplex (two pages per sheet) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_VR_RL-DUPLEX-VOL?LARGE | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). VR_RL (Volume Result or Real Volumes per month or different TIU calculated either from estimated volumes or from meter readings). Provides the total number of large [LARGE] format (A3) pages printed in duplex (two pages per sheet) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_RL-VOL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). RL (Real Volumes per month or different TIU as a result of volumes result plausibility calculation). Provides the total number of pages (prints and copies of all formats converted to standard format A4) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_RL-VOL?BW | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). RL (Real Volumes per month or different TIU as a result of volumes result plausibility calculation). Provides the total number of mono [BW] pages (prints and copies of all formats converted to standard format A4) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_RL-VOL?COL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). RL (Real Volumes per month or different TIU as a result of volumes result plausibility calculation). Provides the total number of colour pages (prints and copies of all formats converted to standard format A4) per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_AVG-RL-VOL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). AVG-RL (Average Real Volumes per month or different TIU). Provides average number of pages per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_AVG-RL-VOL?BW | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). AVG-RL (Average Real Volumes per month or different TIU). Provides average number of mono [BW] pages per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_AVG-RL-VOL?COL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). AVG-RL (Average Real Volumes per month or different TIU). Provides average number of colour [COL] pages per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_TCO?BW | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the mono [BW] part of the TCO (Total Cost of Ownership). This includes all asset related costs: hardware, software, consumables, maintenance, contractual costs as well as energy and paper if desired. | |
TPD_TCO?COL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the colour [COL] part of the TCO (Total Cost of Ownership). This includes all asset related costs: hardware, software, consumables, maintenance, contractual costs as well as energy and paper if desired. | |
TPD_CPP | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides total fleet?s Costs Per Page (CPP). | |
TPD_CPP?BW | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides total fleet?s Costs Per mono [BW] Page (CPP) as a result of the TCO divided by total volumes. | |
TPD_CPP?COL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides total fleet?s Costs Per colour [COL] Page (CPP) as a result of the TCO divided by total volumes. | |
TPD_URATE | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the average Utilization Rate (URATE) of a fleet. The utilization rate is a percentage calculated either via speed of a device and the maximum theoretically possible loading per day or a percentage in relation to duty cycle. | |
TPD_PAPER-SHEETS-PERTIU | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the number of paper sheets per month or TIU required due to print and copy page volume. | |
TPD_PAPER-PACKAGES-PERTIU | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the number of paper packages per month or TIU. Calculated via settings (number of sheets in a standard package) and number of sheets as a result of printed and copied pages. | |
TPD_GREEN-E-TOTAL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the total amount of energy in kWh required by the fleet direct and indirect. Means it includes the power consumptions of devices and also indirect power consumptions of factories during the manufacturing process of paper and toner cartridges. | |
TPD_GREEN-E-DIRECT | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the amount of energy in kWh required by the fleet directly. Means it includes the power consumptions of devices only. | |
TPD_GREEN-E-PAPER | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the amount of energy in kWh required indirectly for manufacturing paper required by the fleet. Means it includes the power consumptions of factories required to manufacture paper. | |
TPD_GREEN-E-SUPPLY | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the amount of energy in kWh required indirectly for manufacturing cartridges required by the fleet. Means it includes the power consumptions of factories required to manufacture ink and toner cartridges. | |
TPD_GREEN-CO2-TOTAL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the total amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in kg or different measurement unit indirectly produced by the fleet. Means it includes the resultant CO2 emission calculated on one hand from the asset?s energy consumption (factor kWh to CO2) and on the other hand from the manufacturing process of required paper and supplies (cartridges etc.). | |
TPD_GREEN-CO2-DIRECT | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in kg or different measurement unit indirectly produced by the fleet but as a result of direct power consumption. Means it includes the resultant CO2 emission calculated from the asset?s energy consumption (factor kWh to CO2) only. | |
TPD_GREEN-CO2-PAPER | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in kg or different measurement unit indirectly produced due to consumption of paper. Means it includes the resultant CO2 emission calculated from the manufacturing process of the paper only. | |
TPD_GREEN-CO2-SUPPLY | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in kg or different measurement unit indirectly produced due to consumption of supply units. Means it includes the resultant CO2 emission calculated from the manufacturing process of the supplies such as ink- and toner-cartridges. | |
TPD_GREEN-INKS | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the total number of ink cartridges required by the fleet per month or TIU. | |
TPD_GREEN-TONERS | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the total number of toner cartridges required by the fleet per month or TIU. | |
TPD_GREEN-OTHER-SUPPLIES | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the total number of miscellaneous supplies required by the fleet per month or TIU. | |
TPD_GREEN-SUPPLIES | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the total number of all supplies (toner, ink, drums, print heads etc.) required by the fleet per month or TIU. | |
TPD_GREEN-QNT-PAPER | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the quantity of paper required by the fleet in tons or another measurement unit (weight level 3). | |
TPD_GREEN-WATER-PAPER | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the volume of water in litres or another measurement unit (volume level 2) needed to manufacture amount of paper required by the fleet. | |
TPD_GREEN-WOOD-PAPER | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the quantity of wood in kilogram or another measurement unit (weight level 3) needed to manufacture amount of paper required by the fleet. | |
TPD_GREEN-E-EQV-HOUSEHOLDS | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the number of households could be supplied by energy as equivalent to the direct and indirect energy consumption of the fleet. Output per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_GREEN-CO2-EQV-CARRANGE | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the number of kilometres could be driven by an average car as equivalent to the indirect CO2 emission of the fleet. Output per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_GREEN-WOOD-EQV-TREES | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the number of trees as equivalent to the indirect wood consumption due to manufacturing of paper. Output per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_GREEN-WATER-EQV-BATHS | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Returns the number of bathtubs as equivalent to the indirect water consumption due to manufacturing of paper. Output per month or different TIU. | |
TPD_REMARKS | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the most frequent asset?s remark out of the fleet. | |
TPD_SPEC-FULL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the most frequent asset?s specification out of the fleet. Full version of specification. | |
TPD_SPEC-LIGHT | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the most frequent asset?s specification out of the fleet. Light version of specification. | |
TPD_ORDERNR | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the most frequent asset?s official article order number out of the fleet. | |
TPD_ORDERNR-DLR | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the most frequent asset?s dealer specific article order number out of the fleet. (Dealer?s order number is usually an article number out of the ERP system) | |
TPD_MIN-DATE-INVENTORY | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the oldest date of inventory out of the fleet. | |
TPD_MAX-DATE-INVENTORY | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the youngest date of inventory out of the fleet. | |
TPD_MIN-PERIOD-DEPRECIATION | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the smallest period of depreciations in months out of the fleet. | |
TPD_MAX-PERIOD-DEPRECIATION | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the highest period of depreciations in months out of the fleet. | |
TPD_AVG-PERIOD-DEPRECIATION | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the fleet?s average period of depreciations in months. | |
TPD_SUPPLY-MAKES | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the total number of different makes selected from the consumable list. Means how many different supplier/manufacturer the customer has to deal with. | |
TPD_SUPPLY-MODELS | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the total number of different supply names selected from the consumable list. Means how many different supply items the customer has to deal with. | |
TPD_SUPPLY-USED | Sum of used supplies (target asset paper devices) | |
TPD_SUPPLY-USED-BYMODEL | Sum of used supplies by model (target asset paper devices) | |
TPD_USERS | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the total sum of users calculated from the asset?s field ?number of users?. Please note, that this figure could represent a higher number of users than in reality is, because one user could use more than one asset. | |
TPD_ATTACHMENT-IMG | Attachements and Images for the report (target asset paper devices) | |
TPD_ITEMS | Not used as a single placeholder, because it represents the summary object of assets. | |
TPD_NAME | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides all different model names separated with comma. E.g. ?LaserJet 5, Stylus C82, MX-C311? | |
TPD_MAKE | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides all different make names separated with comma. E.g. ?HP, Epson, Sharp? | |
TPD_DESCRIPTION | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the first found product description (remarks field transferred from portfolio) with the word wrap. | |
TPD_DESCRIPTION-LISTED | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the first found product description (remarks field transferred from portfolio) with the word wrap and leading ?-? character as kind of bullet point. | |
TPD_N | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the number of assets in the fleet. | |
TPD_MAKES | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the number of different makes in the fleet. | |
TPD_TCO | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for the entire fleet. | |
TPD_N-WITH-REAL-VOL | Count of the real volumes (target asset paper devices) | |
TPD_N-WITH-NOT-REALISTIC-VOL | Count of negative or extremely high volumes (target asset paper devices) | |
TPD_N-WITH-PRODUCT-COSTS | Count of existing product costs (target asset paper devices) | |
TPD_N-WITH-MAINT-COSTS | Count of existing maintenance costs (target asset paper devices) | |
TPD_N-WITH-D-ENERGY-CONSM | Count of direct energy consumption (target asset paper devices) | |
TPD_N-MATCHING-GREEN | Count of matching green (target asset paper devices) | |
TPD_N-MATCHING-YELLOW | Count of matching yellow (target asset paper devices) | |
TPD_N-MATCHING-ORANGE | Count of matching orange (target asset paper devices) | |
TPD_N-MATCHING-RED | Count of matching red (target asset paper devices) | |
TPD_TCO-PRODUCT | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the product part of the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for the entire fleet. Note: TCO is separated to two main parts ? a) Product part as a result of hardware and software costs and b) Maintenance costs as a result of service costs out of different contracts as well as the costs for consumables. This one represents (a). | |
TPD_TCO-MAINT | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the maintenance part of the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for the entire fleet. Note: TCO is separated to two main parts ? a) Product part as a result of hardware and software costs and b) Maintenance costs as a result of service costs out of different contracts as well as the costs for consumables. This one represents (b). | |
TPD_TCO-MAINT?BW | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the mono part of the maintenance part of the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for the entire fleet. | |
TPD_TCO-MAINT?COL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the colour part of the maintenance part of the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for the entire fleet. | |
TPD_TCO-MAINT-CONT | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the contractual part of the maintenance area of the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for the entire fleet. Note: Maintenance part of the TCO is spitted to two main components: a) Contractual maintenance as a result of any costs from service contracts and b) Non-contractual maintenance as a result of any non-binding costs such as consumables, internal repairs and support. This one provides (a). | |
TPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the non-contractual part of the maintenance area of the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for the entire fleet. Note: Maintenance part of the TCO is spitted to two main components: a) Contractual maintenance as a result of any costs from service contracts and b) Non-contractual maintenance as a result of any non-binding costs such as consumables, internal repairs and support. This one provides (b). | |
TPD_TCO-PRODUCT-PURCHASE | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a piece of the TCO which represents the purchase costs. Means costs calculated via depreciation period and purchasing price plus interest rate. This is a first segment of the product section of the TCO. | |
TPD_TCO-PRODUCT-LEASINGHW | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a piece of the TCO which represents the lease costs. Means costs from any lease contract without any costs for service. This is a second segment of the product section of the TCO. | |
TPD_TCO-PRODUCT-RENTALHW | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a piece of the TCO which represents the rental costs. Means costs from any rental contract without any costs for service. This is a third segment of the product section of the TCO. | |
TPD_TCO-PRODUCT-RENTALLIN | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). This member of the TCO represents the estimated soft/hardware piece of the rent all in fee. Means costs from any rent all in contract excluding any costs for service. This is a fourth segment of the product section of the TCO. In order to split the all-in fee to hardware and service part the software takes as an indicator the purchase price and the supply costs. | |
TPD_TCO-PRODUCT-PERCLICK | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). This member of the TCO represents the estimated soft/hardware piece of the rent all in fee calculated via all in price per page. Means costs from any all in per page contract excluding any costs for service. This is a fifth segment of the product section of the TCO. In order to split the all-in fee to hardware and service part the software takes as an indicator the purchase price and the supply costs. | |
TPD_TCO-MAINT-CONT-FIX | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a piece of the contractual maintenance costs of the TCO. It represents the fixed costs of any maintenance contracts. Basically it is a result of fixed volumes and service price per page. | |
TPD_TCO-MAINT-CONT-FIX-RENTALLIN | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a piece of the fixed contractual maintenance costs of the TCO. It represents the rent all in part of it. | |
TPD_TCO-MAINT-CONT-FIX-PERCLICK | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a piece of the fixed contractual maintenance costs of the TCO. It represents the per page contract in part of it. | |
TPD_TCO-MAINT-CONT-OVERPAGE | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a piece of the contractual maintenance costs of the TCO. It represents the overage costs as a result of higher real volumes in comparison to the contractual fixed volumes. | |
TPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-CONS | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a piece of the non-contractual maintenance costs of the TCO. It represents the consumable costs as a result of calculation based on the entered coverage and the asset?s page volume. | |
TPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-CONS?BW | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a piece of the mono non-contractual maintenance costs of the TCO. It represents the consumable costs as a result of calculation based on the entered coverage and the asset?s mono page volume. | |
TPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-CONS?COL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a piece of the colour non-contractual maintenance costs of the TCO. It represents the consumable costs as a result of calculation based on the entered coverage and the asset?s colour page volume. | |
TPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-CONS-CPP?STD?BW | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the costs per standard (STD) format mono page (BW) for consumables only. Basically the mono consumable costs divided by the number of mono pages. | |
TPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-CONS-CPP?STD?COL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the costs per standard (STD) format colour page (COL) for consumables only. Basically the colour consumable costs divided by the number of colour pages. | |
TPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-REPAIR | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a piece of the non-contractual maintenance costs of the TCO. It represents the special costs for support and repairs. Usually these costs are coming from invoices provided by the customer and distributed to assets. | |
TPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-E | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a piece of the non-contractual maintenance costs of the TCO. It represents the energy costs as a result of direct power consumption of devices. | |
TPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-PAPER | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a piece of the non-contractual maintenance costs of the TCO. It represents the paper costs. | |
TPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-EFFORT | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a piece of the non-contractual maintenance costs of the TCO. It represents the labour costs calculated via hourly rate and the amount of hours required for support, administration or updates. Effort segment includes only costs calculated via hourly rate of a technician (internal or external) and the number of hours. | |
TPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-PROCESS | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a piece of the non-contractual maintenance costs of the TCO. It represents the labour costs calculated via hourly rate and the amount of hours required for different asset related processes such as walking, authentication etc. Effort segment includes only costs calculated via hourly rate of an average employee and the number of hours. | |
TPD_TCO-PRODUCT-ALLIN | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the all-in piece of the product part of the TCO. Means this includes only the hardware/software part of the rent all in or per page all in costs. | |
TPD_TCO-PRODUCT-RENTALPLUSLEASINGHW | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the pure rental and lease costs. Means this includes only the hardware/software part of the lease and rental contracts. | |
TPD_TCO-MAINT-PURE | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the pure maintenance contract costs. Means this includes only the service part of any contract, but it does not include consumables and any other service costs. | |
TPD_TCO-ALLIN | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the all in fees. No split to product and maintenance part. | |
TPD_TCO-PRODUCT-MAINT-NONCONT-PAPER-E-SUM | Sum of product, supplies, support, maintenance and direct energy and paper costs (target asset paper device) | |
TPD_PROCESS-TIME-HARDWARE-INSTALL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the number of hours required in total to install the hardware. | |
TPD_PROCESS-TIME-SOFTWARE-INSTALL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the number of hours required in total to install the software. | |
TPD_PROCESS-TIME-MAINTENANCE | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the number of hours required in total to maintain the hardware and software. | |
TPD_PROCESS-TIME-PROGRAMMING | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the number of hours required in total to do any individual programing for the hardware or software. | |
TPD_PROCESS-TIME-ADMIN | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the number of hours required in total for the administrational work in relation to assets. | |
TPD_PROCESS-TIME-UPDATE | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the number of hours required in total for the updates of firmware or software. | |
TPD_PROCESS-TIME-SUPPORT | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the number of hours required in total for supporting hardware and software assets. | |
TPD_PROCESS-COSTS-HARDWARE-INSTALL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the costs in total to install the hardware. It is a result of calculation - number of hours multiplied by the hourly rate. | |
TPD_PROCESS-COSTS-SOFTWARE-INSTALL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the costs in total to install the software. It is a result of calculation - number of hours multiplied by the hourly rate. | |
TPD_PROCESS-COSTS-MAINTENANCE | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the costs in total to maintain the hardware and software. It is a result of calculation - number of hours multiplied by the hourly rate. | |
TPD_PROCESS-COSTS-PROGRAMMING | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the costs in total to do any individual programing for the hardware or software. It is a result of calculation - number of hours multiplied by the hourly rate. | |
TPD_PROCESS-COSTS-ADMIN | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the costs in total for the administrational work in relation to assets. It is a result of calculation - number of hours multiplied by the hourly rate. | |
TPD_PROCESS-COSTS-UPDATE | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the costs in total for the updates of firmware or software. It is a result of calculation - number of hours multiplied by the hourly rate. | |
TPD_PROCESS-COSTS-SUPPORT | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the costs in total for supporting hardware and software assets. It is a result of calculation - number of hours multiplied by the hourly rate. | |
TPD_PROCESS-N-WALK?PRN | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the number of walks per month (or TIU) to get a print out. This frequency is a number of transactions of a specific process. | |
TPD_PROCESS-N-WALK?COP | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the number of walks per month (or TIU) to make a copy. This frequency is a number of transactions of a specific process. | |
TPD_PROCESS-N-WALK?SCAN | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the number of walks per month (or TIU) to scan a document with a pre-defined number of pages (scan job size). This frequency is a number of transactions of a specific process. | |
TPD_PROCESS-N-WALK | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the number of walks per month (or TIU) to make a copy. This frequency is a number of transactions of a specific process. | |
TPD_PROCESS-N-AUTHN?PRN | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the number of authentications on device for getting printout. This frequency is a number of transactions of a specific process. | |
TPD_PROCESS-N-AUTHN?COP | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the number of authentications on device for making a copy of a document. This frequency is a number of transactions of a specific process. | |
TPD_PROCESS-N-AUTHN?SCAN | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the number of authentications on device for making a copy of a document. This frequency is a number of transactions of a specific process. | |
TPD_PROCESS-N-AUTHN | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the total number of authentications on device for any job. This frequency is a number of transactions of a specific process. | |
TPD_PROCESS-TIME-WALK?PRN | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the duration of all walking paths with an aim to get a printout in hours. | |
TPD_PROCESS-TIME-WALK?COP | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the duration of all walking paths with an aim to do a copy in hours. | |
TPD_PROCESS-TIME-WALK?SCAN | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the duration of all walking paths with an aim to do a scan in hours. | |
TPD_PROCESS-TIME-WALK | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the duration of all walking paths in hours. | |
TPD_PROCESS-TIME-AUTHN?PRN | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the duration of all authentications with an aim to get a printout in hours. | |
TPD_PROCESS-TIME-AUTHN?COP | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the duration of all authentications with an aim to do a copy in hours. | |
TPD_PROCESS-TIME-AUTHN?SCAN | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the duration of all authentications with an aim to do a scan in hours. | |
TPD_PROCESS-TIME-AUTHN | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the duration of all authentications in hours. | |
TPD_PROCESS-TIME-EMPLOYEE | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the total amount of hours of the employees for walking and authentication. | |
TPD_PROCESS-TIME-STUFF | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the total amount of hours of the employees for walking and authentication. Plus other future processes which are not available yet. | |
TPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-PROCESS-WALK?PRN | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the calculated costs of all walking paths with an aim to get a printout. Employee hourly rate multiplied by the number of hours. | |
TPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-PROCESS-WALK?COP | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the calculated costs of all walking paths with an aim to do a copy. Employee hourly rate multiplied by the number of hours. | |
TPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-PROCESS-WALK?SCAN | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the calculated costs of all walking paths with an aim to do a scan. Employee hourly rate multiplied by the number of hours. | |
TPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-PROCESS-WALK | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the calculated costs of all walking paths. Employee hourly rate multiplied by the number of hours. | |
TPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-PROCESS-AUTHN?PRN | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the calculated costs of all authentications with an aim to get a printout. Employee hourly rate multiplied by the number of hours. | |
TPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-PROCESS-AUTHN?COP | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the calculated costs of all authentications with an aim to do a copy. Employee hourly rate multiplied by the number of hours. | |
TPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-PROCESS-AUTHN?SCAN | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the calculated costs of all authentications with an aim to do a scan. Employee hourly rate multiplied by the number of hours. | |
TPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-PROCESS-AUTHN | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the calculated costs of all authentications. Employee hourly rate multiplied by the number of hours. | |
TPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-PROCESS-EMPLOYEE | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the total costs of the walking and authentication processes. Employee hourly rate multiplied by the total number of hours. | |
TPD_TCO-MAINT-NONCONT-PROCESS-STUFF | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the total costs of the walking and authentication processes. Plus other future processes which are not available yet. | |
TPD_PRICE-CMR-EQU | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the total sum of all customer buy prices for accessories and any additional equipment. | |
TPD_PRICE-DLR-EQU | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the total sum of all dealer purchasing prices for accessories and any additional equipment. | |
TPD_DISCOUNT-CMR-EQU | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides calculated discount (absolute amount sum) of the customer buy prices for accessories and any additional equipment. | |
TPD_DISCOUNT-DLR-EQU | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides calculated discount (absolute amount sum) of the dealer purchase prices for accessories and any additional equipment. | |
TPD_PRICE-CMR-TOTAL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the final customer total buy price for a device and accessories. All discounts, accessories and manual correction considered. | |
TPD_PRICE-DLR-TOTAL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the final dealer purchase price for a device and accessories. All discounts, accessories and manual correction considered. | |
TPD_PRICE-CMR-DB | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the original customer price for device out of the database. This is usually market price or recommended retail price. | |
TPD_PRICE-CMR-MANUAL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the manually entered customer price in order to use it instead of the database price. | |
TPD_PRICE-CMR | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the resultant customer price for an asset. This is either database price, discounted database price or manually entered price. Note: This price doesn?t include accessories. | |
TPD_DISCOUNT-PERCENT | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the applied discount in percent for calculating the resultant price based on the database price. This percentage is used for customer price as well as for the dealer price. | |
TPD_PRICE-DLR-DB | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the original dealer price for device out of the database or portfolio. This is usually dealer?s internal purchase price. | |
TPD_PRICE-DLR-MANUAL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the manually entered dealer price in order to use it instead of the database/portfolio price. | |
TPD_PRICE-DLR | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the resultant dealer price for a suggested asset. This is either database/portfolio price, discounted database price or manually entered price. Note: This price doesn?t include accessories. | |
TPD_DISCOUNT-CMR-ABSOLUTE | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the applied discount as absolute amount. This amount calculated from customer database price using the entered discount in percent. It doesn?t include any discounts for the accessories. | |
TPD_DISCOUNT-DLR-ABSOLUTE | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the applied discount as absolute amount. This amount calculated from dealer database/portfolio price using the entered discount in percent. It doesn?t include any discounts for the accessories. | |
TPD_REPLACEMENT | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides the calculated suggested replacement amount. This calculation is based on the amount paid every month multiplied by the number of remaining contract months. Depreciation is considered as well. | |
TPD_RATIO_EMPLOYEES-PER-DEVICE | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a ratio ? number of employees per device. Number of employees using the same device. | |
TPD_RATIO_DEVICES-PER-EMPLOYEE | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a ratio ? number of devices per employee. Number of devices an average employee uses. | |
TPD_RATIO_VOLUME-PER-EMPLOYEE | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a ratio ? page volumes per employee. Number of pages an average employee prints. | |
TPD_RATIO_TCO-PER-EMPLOYEE | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a ratio ? costs per employee. Costs an average employee causes in relation to the fleet. | |
TPD_RATIO_CO2-PER-EMPLOYEE | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a ratio ? CO2 emission per employee. Carbon dioxide emission an average employee indirectly causes in relation to the fleet. | |
TPD_RATIO_SCAN-PER-EMPLOYEE?STD | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a ratio ? number of standard format (A4) scans made by an average employee. | |
TPD_RATIO_SCAN-PER-EMPLOYEE?LARGE | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a ratio ? number of large format (A3) scans made by an average employee. | |
TPD_RATIO_SCAN-PER-EMPLOYEE?SMALL | TPD (Target future fleet Paper In/output Devices such as printers, MFDs, scanners etc.). Provides a ratio ? number of small format (A4) scans made by an average employee. | |
TC_NAME | TC (Target future Contract). Provides the name of the first contract found in the future situation. Means, if there are more than one contract in the future situation, only the first one will be shown using these single value placeholders. | |
TC_FX-VOL?PRN?STD?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). FX-VOL - Fixed Volumes (contractual agreement of minimum number of pages). Mono (BW) Prints (PRN) in standard (STD) format (A4). | |
TC_FX-VOL?PRN?STD?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). FX-VOL - Fixed Volumes (contractual agreement of minimum number of pages). Colour (COL) Prints (PRN) in standard (STD) format (A4). | |
TC_FX-VOL?PRN?SMALL?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). FX-VOL - Fixed Volumes (contractual agreement of minimum number of pages). Mono (BW) Prints (PRN) in small (SMALL) format (A5). | |
TC_FX-VOL?PRN?SMALL?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). FX-VOL - Fixed Volumes (contractual agreement of minimum number of pages). Colour (COL) Prints (PRN) in small (SMALL) format (A5). | |
TC_FX-VOL?PRN?LARGE?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). FX-VOL - Fixed Volumes (contractual agreement of minimum number of pages). Mono (BW) Prints (PRN) in large (LARGE) format (A3). | |
TC_FX-VOL?PRN?LARGE?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). FX-VOL - Fixed Volumes (contractual agreement of minimum number of pages). Colour (COL) Prints (PRN) in large (LARGE) format (A3). | |
TC_FX-VOL?COP?STD?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). FX-VOL - Fixed Volumes (contractual agreement of minimum number of pages). Mono (BW) Copies (COP) in standard (STD) format (A4). | |
TC_FX-VOL?COP?STD?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). FX-VOL - Fixed Volumes (contractual agreement of minimum number of pages). Colour (COL) Copies (COP) in standard (STD) format (A4). | |
TC_FX-VOL?COP?SMALL?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). FX-VOL - Fixed Volumes (contractual agreement of minimum number of pages). Mono (BW) Copies (COP) in small (SMALL) format (A5). | |
TC_FX-VOL?COP?SMALL?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). FX-VOL - Fixed Volumes (contractual agreement of minimum number of pages). Colour (COL) Copies (COP) in small (SMALL) format (A5). | |
TC_FX-VOL?COP?LARGE?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). FX-VOL - Fixed Volumes (contractual agreement of minimum number of pages). Mono (BW) Copies (COP) in large (LARGE) format (A3). | |
TC_FX-VOL?COP?LARGE?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). FX-VOL - Fixed Volumes (contractual agreement of minimum number of pages). Colour (COL) Copies (COP) in large (LARGE) format (A3). | |
TC_FX-VOL?SCAN?STD?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). FX-VOL - Fixed Volumes (contractual agreement of minimum number of pages). Mono (BW) Scans (COP) in standard (STD) format (A4). | |
TC_FX-VOL?SCAN?STD?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). FX-VOL - Fixed Volumes (contractual agreement of minimum number of pages). Colour (COL) Scans (COP) in standard (STD) format (A4). | |
TC_FX-VOL?SCAN?SMALL?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). FX-VOL - Fixed Volumes (contractual agreement of minimum number of pages). Mono (BW) Scans (COP) in small (SMALL) format (A5). | |
TC_FX-VOL?SCAN?SMALL?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). FX-VOL - Fixed Volumes (contractual agreement of minimum number of pages). Colour (COL) Scans (COP) in small (SMALL) format (A5). | |
TC_FX-VOL?SCAN?LARGE?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). FX-VOL - Fixed Volumes (contractual agreement of minimum number of pages). Mono (BW) Scans (COP) in large (LARGE) format (A3). | |
TC_FX-VOL?SCAN?LARGE?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). FX-VOL - Fixed Volumes (contractual agreement of minimum number of pages). Colour (COL) Scans (COP) in large (LARGE) format (A3). | |
TC_FX-VOL-INCL-SCANS | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). FX-VOL - Fixed Volumes (contractual agreement of minimum number of pages). Total number of pages of all formats including scans. Converted to standard format (A4). | |
TC_FX-VOL-INCL-SCANS?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). FX-VOL - Fixed Volumes (contractual agreement of minimum number of pages). Total number of mono (BW) pages including scans. Converted to standard format (A4). | |
TC_FX-VOL-INCL-SCANS?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). FX-VOL - Fixed Volumes (contractual agreement of minimum number of pages). Total number of colour (COL) pages including scans. Converted to standard format (A4). | |
TC_FX-VOL-INCL-SCANS?STD | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). FX-VOL - Fixed Volumes (contractual agreement of minimum number of pages). Total number of pages in standard (STD) format (A4) including scans. | |
TC_FX-VOL-INCL-SCANS?STD?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). FX-VOL - Fixed Volumes (contractual agreement of minimum number of pages). Total number of mono (BW) pages in standard (STD) format (A4) including scans. | |
TC_FX-VOL-INCL-SCANS?STD?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). FX-VOL - Fixed Volumes (contractual agreement of minimum number of pages). Total number of colour (COL) pages in standard (STD) format (A4) including scans. | |
TC_FX-VOL-INCL-SCANS?SMALL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). FX-VOL - Fixed Volumes (contractual agreement of minimum number of pages). Total number of pages in small (SMALL) format (A5) including scans. Converted to standard format (A4). | |
TC_FX-VOL-INCL-SCANS?SMALL?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). FX-VOL - Fixed Volumes (contractual agreement of minimum number of pages). Total number of mono (BW) pages in small (SMALL) format (A5) format including scans. Converted to standard format (A4). | |
TC_FX-VOL-INCL-SCANS?SMALL?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). FX-VOL - Fixed Volumes (contractual agreement of minimum number of pages). Total number of colour (COL) pages in small (SMALL) format (A5) format including scans. Converted to standard format (A4). | |
TC_FX-VOL-INCL-SCANS?LARGE | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). FX-VOL - Fixed Volumes (contractual agreement of minimum number of pages). Total number of pages in large (LARGE) format (A3) including scans. Converted to standard format (A4). | |
TC_FX-VOL-INCL-SCANS?LARGE?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). FX-VOL - Fixed Volumes (contractual agreement of minimum number of pages). Total number of mono (BW) pages in large (LARGE) format (A3) format including scans. Converted to standard format (A4). | |
TC_FX-VOL-INCL-SCANS?LARGE?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). FX-VOL - Fixed Volumes (contractual agreement of minimum number of pages). Total number of colour (COL) pages large (LARGE) format (A3) format including scans. Converted to standard format (A4). | |
TC_RL-VOL?PRN?STD?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). RL-VOL - Real Volumes (predicted real volumes sum of assigned assets). Mono (BW) Prints (PRN) in standard (STD) format (A4). | |
TC_RL-VOL?PRN?STD?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). RL-VOL - Real Volumes (predicted real volumes sum of assigned assets). Colour (COL) Prints (PRN) in standard (STD) format (A4). | |
TC_RL-VOL?PRN?SMALL?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). RL-VOL - Real Volumes (predicted real volumes sum of assigned assets). Mono (BW) Prints (PRN) in small (SMALL) format (A5). | |
TC_RL-VOL?PRN?SMALL?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). RL-VOL - Real Volumes (predicted real volumes sum of assigned assets). Colour (COL) Prints (PRN) in small (SMALL) format (A5). | |
TC_RL-VOL?PRN?LARGE?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). RL-VOL - Real Volumes (predicted real volumes sum of assigned assets). Mono (BW) Prints (PRN) in large (LARGE) format (A3). | |
TC_RL-VOL?PRN?LARGE?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). RL-VOL - Real Volumes (predicted real volumes sum of assigned assets). Colour (COL) Prints (PRN) in large (LARGE) format (A3). | |
TC_RL-VOL?COP?STD?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). RL-VOL - Real Volumes (predicted real volumes sum of assigned assets). Mono (BW) Copies (COP) in standard (STD) format (A4). | |
TC_RL-VOL?COP?STD?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). RL-VOL - Real Volumes (predicted real volumes sum of assigned assets). Colour (COL) Copies (COP) in standard (STD) format (A4). | |
TC_RL-VOL?COP?SMALL?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). RL-VOL - Real Volumes (predicted real volumes sum of assigned assets). Mono (BW) Copies (COP) in small (SMALL) format (A5). | |
TC_RL-VOL?COP?SMALL?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). RL-VOL - Real Volumes (predicted real volumes sum of assigned assets). Colour (COL) Copies (COP) in small (SMALL) format (A5). | |
TC_RL-VOL?COP?LARGE?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). RL-VOL - Real Volumes (predicted real volumes sum of assigned assets). Mono (BW) Copies (COP) in large (LARGE) format (A3). | |
TC_RL-VOL?COP?LARGE?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). RL-VOL - Real Volumes (predicted real volumes sum of assigned assets). Colour (COL) Copies (COP) in large (LARGE) format (A3). | |
TC_RL-VOL?SCAN?STD?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). RL-VOL - Real Volumes (predicted real volumes sum of assigned assets). Mono (BW) Scans (COP) in standard (STD) format (A4). | |
TC_RL-VOL?SCAN?STD?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). RL-VOL - Real Volumes (predicted real volumes sum of assigned assets). Colour (COL) Scans (COP) in standard (STD) format (A4). | |
TC_RL-VOL?SCAN?SMALL?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). RL-VOL - Real Volumes (predicted real volumes sum of assigned assets). Mono (BW) Scans (COP) in small (SMALL) format (A5). | |
TC_RL-VOL?SCAN?SMALL?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). RL-VOL - Real Volumes (predicted real volumes sum of assigned assets). Colour (COL) Scans (COP) in small (SMALL) format (A5). | |
TC_RL-VOL?SCAN?LARGE?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). RL-VOL - Real Volumes (predicted real volumes sum of assigned assets). Mono (BW) Scans (COP) in large (LARGE) format (A3). | |
TC_RL-VOL?SCAN?LARGE?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). RL-VOL - Real Volumes (predicted real volumes sum of assigned assets). Colour (COL) Scans (COP) in large (LARGE) format (A3). | |
TC_RL-VOL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). RL-VOL - Real Volumes (predicted real volumes sum of assigned assets). Total pages (prints and copies) of all formats converted to standard format (A4). | |
TC_RL-VOL?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). RL-VOL - Real Volumes (predicted real volumes sum of assigned assets). Mono (BW) pages (prints and copies) of all formats converted to standard format (A4). | |
TC_RL-VOL?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). RL-VOL - Real Volumes (predicted real volumes sum of assigned assets). Colour (COL) pages (prints and copies) of all formats converted to standard format (A4). | |
TC_CMR-PPP?PRN?STD?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). CMR (Customer?s price = dealer selling price). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for standard (STD) format (A4) mono (BW) print (PRN) page. In case of all-In per page contract, this price includes hardware and software part as well; otherwise this is just a service part of a contract. | |
TC_CMR-PPP?PRN?STD?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). CMR (Customer?s price = dealer selling price). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for standard (STD) format (A4) colour (COL) print (PRN) page. In case of all-In per page contract, this price includes hardware and software part as well; otherwise this is just a service part of a contract. | |
TC_CMR-PPP?PRN?SMALL?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). CMR (Customer?s price = dealer selling price). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for small (SMALL) format (A5) mono (BW) print (PRN) page. In case of all-In per page contract, this price includes hardware and software part as well; otherwise this is just a service part of a contract. | |
TC_CMR-PPP?PRN?SMALL?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). CMR (Customer?s price = dealer selling price). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for small (SMALL) format (A5) colour (COL) print (PRN) page. In case of all-In per page contract, this price includes hardware and software part as well; otherwise this is just a service part of a contract. | |
TC_CMR-PPP?PRN?LARGE?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). CMR (Customer?s price = dealer selling price). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for large (LARGE) format (A3) mono (BW) print (PRN) page. In case of all-In per page contract, this price includes hardware and software part as well; otherwise this is just a service part of a contract. | |
TC_CMR-PPP?PRN?LARGE?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). CMR (Customer?s price = dealer selling price). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for large (LARGE) format (A3) colour (COL) print (PRN) page. In case of all-In per page contract, this price includes hardware and software part as well; otherwise this is just a service part of a contract. | |
TC_CMR-PPP?COP?STD?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). CMR (Customer?s price = dealer selling price). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for standard (STD) format (A4) mono (BW) copy (COP) page. In case of all-In per page contract, this price includes hardware and software part as well; otherwise this is just a service part of a contract. | |
TC_CMR-PPP?COP?STD?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). CMR (Customer?s price = dealer selling price). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for standard (STD) format (A4) colour (COL) copy (COP) page. In case of all-In per page contract, this price includes hardware and software part as well; otherwise this is just a service part of a contract. | |
TC_CMR-PPP?COP?SMALL?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). CMR (Customer?s price = dealer selling price). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for small (SMALL) format (A5) mono (BW) copy (COP) page. In case of all-In per page contract, this price includes hardware and software part as well; otherwise this is just a service part of a contract. | |
TC_CMR-PPP?COP?SMALL?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). CMR (Customer?s price = dealer selling price). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for small (SMALL) format (A5) colour (COL) copy (COP) page. In case of all-In per page contract, this price includes hardware and software part as well; otherwise this is just a service part of a contract. | |
TC_CMR-PPP?COP?LARGE?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). CMR (Customer?s price = dealer selling price). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for large (LARGE) format (A3) mono (BW) copy (COP) page. In case of all-In per page contract, this price includes hardware and software part as well; otherwise this is just a service part of a contract. | |
TC_CMR-PPP?COP?LARGE?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). CMR (Customer?s price = dealer selling price). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for large (LARGE) format (A3) colour (COL) copy (COP) page. In case of all-In per page contract, this price includes hardware and software part as well; otherwise this is just a service part of a contract. | |
TC_CMR-PPP?SCAN?STD?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). CMR (Customer?s price = dealer selling price). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for standard (STD) format (A4) mono (BW) scan (SCAN) page. In case of all-In per page contract, this price includes hardware and software part as well; otherwise this is just a service part of a contract. | |
TC_CMR-PPP?SCAN?STD?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). CMR (Customer?s price = dealer selling price). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for standard (STD) format (A4) colour (COL) scan (SCAN) page. In case of all-In per page contract, this price includes hardware and software part as well; otherwise this is just a service part of a contract. | |
TC_CMR-PPP?SCAN?SMALL?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). CMR (Customer?s price = dealer selling price). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for small (SMALL) format (A5) mono (BW) scan (SCAN) page. In case of all-In per page contract, this price includes hardware and software part as well; otherwise this is just a service part of a contract. | |
TC_CMR-PPP?SCAN?SMALL?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). CMR (Customer?s price = dealer selling price). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for small (SMALL) format (A5) colour (COL) scan (SCAN) page. In case of all-In per page contract, this price includes hardware and software part as well; otherwise this is just a service part of a contract. | |
TC_CMR-PPP?SCAN?LARGE?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). CMR (Customer?s price = dealer selling price). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for large (LARGE) format (A3) mono (BW) scan (SCAN) page. In case of all-In per page contract, this price includes hardware and software part as well; otherwise this is just a service part of a contract. | |
TC_CMR-PPP?SCAN?LARGE?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). CMR (Customer?s price = dealer selling price). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for large (LARGE) format (A3) colour (COL) scan (SCAN) page. In case of all-In per page contract, this price includes hardware and software part as well; otherwise this is just a service part of a contract. | |
TC_CMR-CHARGE?PRN?STD?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). CMR (Customer?s price = dealer selling price). Additional Charge Fee (CHARGE) a customer has to pay for standard (STD) format (A4) mono (BW) print (PRN) pages. This charge includes the service part only. | |
TC_CMR-CHARGE?PRN?STD?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). CMR (Customer?s price = dealer selling price). Additional Charge Fee (CHARGE) a customer has to pay for standard (STD) format (A4) colour (COL) print (PRN) pages. This charge includes the service part only. | |
TC_CMR-CHARGE?PRN?SMALL?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). CMR (Customer?s price = dealer selling price). Additional Charge Fee (CHARGE) a customer has to pay for small (SMALL) format (A5) mono (BW) print (PRN) pages. This charge includes the service part only. | |
TC_CMR-CHARGE?PRN?SMALL?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). CMR (Customer?s price = dealer selling price). Additional Charge Fee (CHARGE) a customer has to pay for small (SMALL) format (A5) colour (COL) print (PRN) pages. This charge includes the service part only. | |
TC_CMR-CHARGE?PRN?LARGE?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). CMR (Customer?s price = dealer selling price). Additional Charge Fee (CHARGE) a customer has to pay for large (LARGE) format (A3) mono (BW) print (PRN) pages. This charge includes the service part only. | |
TC_CMR-CHARGE?PRN?LARGE?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). CMR (Customer?s price = dealer selling price). Additional Charge Fee (CHARGE) a customer has to pay for large (LARGE) format (A3) colour (COL) print (PRN) pages. This charge includes the service part only. | |
TC_CMR-CHARGE?COP?STD?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). CMR (Customer?s price = dealer selling price). Additional Charge Fee (CHARGE) a customer has to pay for standard (STD) format (A4) mono (BW) copy (COP) pages. This charge includes the service part only. | |
TC_CMR-CHARGE?COP?STD?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). CMR (Customer?s price = dealer selling price). Additional Charge Fee (CHARGE) a customer has to pay for standard (STD) format (A4) colour (COL) copy (COP) pages. This charge includes the service part only. | |
TC_CMR-CHARGE?COP?SMALL?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). CMR (Customer?s price = dealer selling price). Additional Charge Fee (CHARGE) a customer has to pay for small (SMALL) format (A5) mono (BW) copy (COP) pages. This charge includes the service part only. | |
TC_CMR-CHARGE?COP?SMALL?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). CMR (Customer?s price = dealer selling price). Additional Charge Fee (CHARGE) a customer has to pay for small (SMALL) format (A5) colour (COL) copy (COP) pages. This charge includes the service part only. | |
TC_CMR-CHARGE?COP?LARGE?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). CMR (Customer?s price = dealer selling price). Additional Charge Fee (CHARGE) a customer has to pay for large (LARGE) format (A3) mono (BW) copy (COP) pages. This charge includes the service part only. | |
TC_CMR-CHARGE?COP?LARGE?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). CMR (Customer?s price = dealer selling price). Additional Charge Fee (CHARGE) a customer has to pay for large (LARGE) format (A3) colour (COL) copy (COP) pages. This charge includes the service part only. | |
TC_CMR-CHARGE?SCAN?STD?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). CMR (Customer?s price = dealer selling price). Additional Charge Fee (CHARGE) a customer has to pay for standard (STD) format (A4) mono (BW) scan (SCAN) pages. This charge includes the service part only. | |
TC_CMR-CHARGE?SCAN?STD?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). CMR (Customer?s price = dealer selling price). Additional Charge Fee (CHARGE) a customer has to pay for standard (STD) format (A4) colour (COL) scan (SCAN) pages. This charge includes the service part only. | |
TC_CMR-CHARGE?SCAN?SMALL?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). CMR (Customer?s price = dealer selling price). Additional Charge Fee (CHARGE) a customer has to pay for small (SMALL) format (A5) mono (BW) scan (SCAN) pages. This charge includes the service part only. | |
TC_CMR-CHARGE?SCAN?SMALL?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). CMR (Customer?s price = dealer selling price). Additional Charge Fee (CHARGE) a customer has to pay for small (SMALL) format (A5) colour (COL) scan (SCAN) pages. This charge includes the service part only. | |
TC_CMR-CHARGE?SCAN?LARGE?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). CMR (Customer?s price = dealer selling price). Additional Charge Fee (CHARGE) a customer has to pay for large (LARGE) format (A3) mono (BW) scan (SCAN) pages. This charge includes the service part only. | |
TC_CMR-CHARGE?SCAN?LARGE?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). CMR (Customer?s price = dealer selling price). Additional Charge Fee (CHARGE) a customer has to pay for large (LARGE) format (A3) colour (COL) scan (SCAN) pages. This charge includes the service part only. | |
TC_AMOUNT-LABEL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). The name of the field where the main amount is located could be different, because of different contract type. This field is usually used by either current state contracts or future state 3rd party or manual input contracts. E.g. ?All-In Charge (Product + Maintenance?, ?Leasing Charge (Product Part Only)? etc. | |
TC_PD | This is not a valid single value placeholder. It delivers the list of assigned paper in/out put device assets attached to a contract and is considered to be used in the tables. | |
TC_SCOPE | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). The scope of a contract. E.g. ?Future State Own Sales? or ?Current State 3rd Party?. | |
TC_TYPE-FULL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). The type of a contract. E.g. ?Leasing with Maintenance. Supplies covered.? | |
TC_MARGIN-PROD-CALC | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Displays a Boolean setting whether the product (hardware + software) gross profit calculation made using the margin formula: Selling price = purchase price / (1-(margin in % / 100)) | |
TC_MARKUP-PROD-CALC | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Displays a Boolean setting whether the product (hardware + software) gross profit calculation made using the mark-up formula: Selling price = purchase price* (1+(mark-up% / 100)) | |
TC_MARGIN-MAIT-CALC | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Displays a Boolean setting whether the service (maintenance) gross profit calculation made using the margin formula: Selling price = purchase price / (1-(margin in % / 100)) | |
TC_MARKUP-MAIT-CALC | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Displays a Boolean setting whether the service (maintenance) gross profit calculation made using the mark-up formula: Selling price = purchase price* (1+(mark-up% / 100)) | |
TC_ASSETS?WITHPRICE | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Returns the number of assets in contract which have a distribution key value. A distribution key value is the market price by default. Important for distribution of rental fee. | |
TC_ASSETS?NOPRICE | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Returns the number of assets in contract which have no distribution key value. A distribution key value is the market price by default. Important for distribution of rental fee. | |
TC_ASSETS | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Returns the number of assets attached to that contract. | |
TC_ASSETS-MARKETVALUESUM | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Returns the sum of distribution key values. Usually the sum of the market prices or individual lease/rental fee. Important for distribution of rental fee. | |
TC_C-CONTRACT-FOR-REPLACEMENT-CALC | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Shows the fixed costs (independent from number of real pages) of a contract. Important for the calculation of replacement value. | |
TC_MONTHSSINCECONTRACTBEGINUNTILREPLACEMENT | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Shows the total number of months since begin of a contract until the date of replacement. Important for the calculation of replacement value. | |
TC_REMAININGCONTRACTMONTHS | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Shows the number of remaining months since date of replacement until the regular contract end date. Important for the calculation of replacement value. This figure multiplied by the fixed costs fee represents the proposal of replacement value. | |
TC_FX-C-OF-CONTRACT-VOL?PRN?STD?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Fixed Costs (FX-C) for Mono (BW) Prints (PRN) in standard (STD) format (A4). | |
TC_FX-C-OF-CONTRACT-VOL?PRN?STD?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Fixed Costs (FX-C) for Colour (COL) Prints (PRN) in standard (STD) format (A4). | |
TC_FX-C-OF-CONTRACT-VOL?PRN?SMALL?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Fixed Costs (FX-C) for Mono (BW) Prints (PRN) in small (SMALL) format (A5). | |
TC_FX-C-OF-CONTRACT-VOL?PRN?SMALL?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Fixed Costs (FX-C) for Colour (COL) Prints (PRN) in small (SMALL) format (A5). | |
TC_FX-C-OF-CONTRACT-VOL?PRN?LARGE?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Fixed Costs (FX-C) for Mono (BW) Prints (PRN) in large (LARGE) format (A3). | |
TC_FX-C-OF-CONTRACT-VOL?PRN?LARGE?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Fixed Costs (FX-C) for Colour (COL) Prints (PRN) in large (LARGE) format (A3). | |
TC_FX-C-OF-CONTRACT-VOL?COP?STD?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Fixed Costs (FX-C) for Mono (BW) Copies (COP) in standard (STD) format (A4). | |
TC_FX-C-OF-CONTRACT-VOL?COP?STD?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Fixed Costs (FX-C) for Colour (COL) Copies (COP) in standard (STD) format (A4). | |
TC_FX-C-OF-CONTRACT-VOL?COP?SMALL?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Fixed Costs (FX-C) for Mono (BW) Copies (COP) in small (SMALL) format (A5). | |
TC_FX-C-OF-CONTRACT-VOL?COP?SMALL?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Fixed Costs (FX-C) for Colour (COL) Copies (COP) in small (SMALL) format (A5). | |
TC_FX-C-OF-CONTRACT-VOL?COP?LARGE?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Fixed Costs (FX-C) for Mono (BW) Copies (COP) in large (LARGE) format (A3). | |
TC_FX-C-OF-CONTRACT-VOL?COP?LARGE?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Fixed Costs (FX-C) for Colour (COL) Copies (COP) in large (LARGE) format (A3). | |
TC_FX-C-OF-CONTRACT-VOL?SCAN?STD?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Fixed Costs (FX-C) for Mono (BW) Scans (COP) in standard (STD) format (A4). | |
TC_FX-C-OF-CONTRACT-VOL?SCAN?STD?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Fixed Costs (FX-C) for Colour (COL) Scans (COP) in standard (STD) format (A4). | |
TC_FX-C-OF-CONTRACT-VOL?SCAN?SMALL?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Fixed Costs (FX-C) for Mono (BW) Scans (COP) in small (SMALL) format (A5). | |
TC_FX-C-OF-CONTRACT-VOL?SCAN?SMALL?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Fixed Costs (FX-C) for Colour (COL) Scans (COP) in small (SMALL) format (A5). | |
TC_FX-C-OF-CONTRACT-VOL?SCAN?LARGE?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Fixed Costs (FX-C) for Mono (BW) Scans (COP) in large (LARGE) format (A3). | |
TC_FX-C-OF-CONTRACT-VOL?SCAN?LARGE?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Fixed Costs (FX-C) for Colour (COL) Scans (COP) in large (LARGE) format (A3). | |
TC_OP-C-OF-CONTRACT-VOL?PRN?STD?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Overage Costs (OP-C) for Mono (BW) Prints (PRN) in standard (STD) format (A4). If real volumes higher than contractual fixed agreement, then that difference multiplied with an overage price per page. | |
TC_OP-C-OF-CONTRACT-VOL?PRN?STD?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Overage Costs (OP-C) for Colour (COL) Prints (PRN) in standard (STD) format (A4). If real volumes higher than contractual fixed agreement, then that difference multiplied with an overage price per page. | |
TC_OP-C-OF-CONTRACT-VOL?PRN?SMALL?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Overage Costs (OP-C) for Mono (BW) Prints (PRN) in small (SMALL) format (A5). If real volumes higher than contractual fixed agreement, then that difference multiplied with an overage price per page. | |
TC_OP-C-OF-CONTRACT-VOL?PRN?SMALL?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Overage Costs (OP-C) for Colour (COL) Prints (PRN) in small (SMALL) format (A5). If real volumes higher than contractual fixed agreement, then that difference multiplied with an overage price per page. | |
TC_OP-C-OF-CONTRACT-VOL?PRN?LARGE?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Overage Costs (OP-C) for Mono (BW) Prints (PRN) in large (LARGE) format (A3). If real volumes higher than contractual fixed agreement, then that difference multiplied with an overage price per page. | |
TC_OP-C-OF-CONTRACT-VOL?PRN?LARGE?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Overage Costs (OP-C) for Colour (COL) Prints (PRN) in large (LARGE) format (A3). If real volumes higher than contractual fixed agreement, then that difference multiplied with an overage price per page. | |
TC_OP-C-OF-CONTRACT-VOL?COP?STD?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Overage Costs (OP-C) for Mono (BW) Copies (COP) in standard (STD) format (A4). If real volumes higher than contractual fixed agreement, then that difference multiplied with an overage price per page. | |
TC_OP-C-OF-CONTRACT-VOL?COP?STD?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Overage Costs (OP-C) for Colour (COL) Copies (COP) in standard (STD) format (A4). If real volumes higher than contractual fixed agreement, then that difference multiplied with an overage price per page. | |
TC_OP-C-OF-CONTRACT-VOL?COP?SMALL?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Overage Costs (OP-C) for Mono (BW) Copies (COP) in small (SMALL) format (A5). If real volumes higher than contractual fixed agreement, then that difference multiplied with an overage price per page. | |
TC_OP-C-OF-CONTRACT-VOL?COP?SMALL?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Overage Costs (OP-C) for Colour (COL) Copies (COP) in small (SMALL) format (A5). If real volumes higher than contractual fixed agreement, then that difference multiplied with an overage price per page. | |
TC_OP-C-OF-CONTRACT-VOL?COP?LARGE?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Overage Costs (OP-C) for Mono (BW) Copies (COP) in large (LARGE) format (A3). If real volumes higher than contractual fixed agreement, then that difference multiplied with an overage price per page. | |
TC_OP-C-OF-CONTRACT-VOL?COP?LARGE?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Overage Costs (OP-C) for Colour (COL) Copies (COP) in large (LARGE) format (A3). If real volumes higher than contractual fixed agreement, then that difference multiplied with an overage price per page. | |
TC_OP-C-OF-CONTRACT-VOL?SCAN?STD?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Overage Costs (OP-C) for Mono (BW) Scans (COP) in standard (STD) format (A4). If real volumes higher than contractual fixed agreement, then that difference multiplied with an overage price per page. | |
TC_OP-C-OF-CONTRACT-VOL?SCAN?STD?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Overage Costs (OP-C) for Colour (COL) Scans (COP) in standard (STD) format (A4). If real volumes higher than contractual fixed agreement, then that difference multiplied with an overage price per page. | |
TC_OP-C-OF-CONTRACT-VOL?SCAN?SMALL?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Overage Costs (OP-C) for Mono (BW) Scans (COP) in small (SMALL) format (A5). If real volumes higher than contractual fixed agreement, then that difference multiplied with an overage price per page. | |
TC_OP-C-OF-CONTRACT-VOL?SCAN?SMALL?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Overage Costs (OP-C) for Colour (COL) Scans (COP) in small (SMALL) format (A5). If real volumes higher than contractual fixed agreement, then that difference multiplied with an overage price per page. | |
TC_OP-C-OF-CONTRACT-VOL?SCAN?LARGE?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Overage Costs (OP-C) for Mono (BW) Scans (COP) in large (LARGE) format (A3). If real volumes higher than contractual fixed agreement, then that difference multiplied with an overage price per page. | |
TC_OP-C-OF-CONTRACT-VOL?SCAN?LARGE?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Overage Costs (OP-C) for Colour (COL) Scans (COP) in large (LARGE) format (A3). If real volumes higher than contractual fixed agreement, then that difference multiplied with an overage price per page. | |
TC_PROJECT_NAME | Target Contract - The name of the selected project. | |
TC_PROJECT_RADIUS | Target Contract - Part of the project?s address record. The default radius (average walking distance to an asset) for floor map and calculating walking paths. | |
TC_PROJECT_CREATEDBYUSER | Target Contract - Which user created the project | |
TC_PROJECT_MODIFIEDBYUSER | Target Contract - Which user modified the project at last | |
TC_PROJECT_RESERVEDBYUSER | Target Contract - Which user reserved the project | |
TC_PROJECT_CLOSEDBYUSER | Target Contract - Which user closed the project | |
TC_PROJECT_PRICE-TYPE-TO-APPLY | Target Contract - Which price type to apply within the project | |
TC_PROJECT_TIU | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. The Time Interval Unit (TIU) for entering and viewing asset related figures such as volumes and costs. It can be monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annually. | |
TC_PROJECT_CONTACTPERSON | Target Contract - Part of the project?s address record. A contact person provided via Address record of the selected project. | |
TC_PROJECT_CITY | Target Contract - Part of the address record. The city where the customer is located provided via Address record of the selected project. (Note: This placeholder does not provides the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
TC_PROJECT_STATE | Target Contract - Part of the project?s address record. The country state (or county) where the customer is located provided via Address record of the selected project. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the company address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
TC_PROJECT_BUSINESSSECTOR | Target Contract - Part of the project?s address record. The business sector of a customer provided either via Address record of the selected project. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
TC_PROJECT_COUNTRY | Target Contract - Part of the project?s address record. The country where the customer is located provided via Address record of the selected project. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
TC_PROJECT_SIZECATEGORY | Target Contract - Part of the project?s address record. The size category of a customer provided via Address record of the selected project. E.g. Up to 1000 employees, Up to 5000 employees etc. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
TC_PROJECT_WORKHOURS-YEAR | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. The number of working hours per year. | |
TC_PROJECT_WORKHOURS-AllEmpl-YEAR | Target Contract - Returns the calculated total amount of working hours in a company. Means number of employees multiplied by the number of working hours. | |
TC_PROJECT_COMPANYNAME | Target Contract - The name of the company where the selected project is located. | |
TC_PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_COUNTRY | Target Contract - Part of the address record. The country where the customer is located provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. | |
TC_PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_COUNTRYPART | Target Contract - Part of the address record. The part of the country where the customer is located provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. E.g. Northern Part, Southern Part etc. | |
TC_PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_STATE | Target Contract - Part of the address record. The country state (or county) where the customer is located provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. | |
TC_PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_REGION | Target Contract - Part of the address record. The local region where the customer?s city is located provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. | |
TC_PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_POSTALCODE | Target Contract - Part of the address record. The postal code where the customer is located provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. | |
TC_PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_CITY | Target Contract - Part of the address record. The city where the customer is located provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. | |
TC_PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_STREET1 | Target Contract - Part of the address record. The street where the customer is located provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. | |
TC_PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_STREET2 | Target Contract - Part of the address record. The street (second part) where the customer is located provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. | |
TC_PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_COMPANYNAME | Target Contract - Part of the address record. The customer?s legal company name provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. E.g. ?Technologies Ltd.? | |
TC_PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_VATNUMBER | Target Contract - Part of the address record. The customer?s VAT number provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. | |
TC_PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_CUSTOMERNUMBER | Target Contract - Part of the address record. The customer number (out of CRM or ERP) provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. | |
TC_PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_BUSINESSSECTOR | Target Contract - Part of the address record. The business sector of a customer provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. E.g. Banking, Education, Public Sector etc. | |
TC_PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_SIZECATEGORY | Target Contract - Part of the address record. The size category of a customer provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. E.g. Up to 1000 employees, Up to 5000 employees etc. | |
TC_PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_CONTACTPERSON | Target Contract - Part of the address record. A contact person provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. | |
TC_PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_PHONE | Target Contract - Part of the address record. The phone number of a contact person provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. | |
TC_PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_MOBILEPHONE | Target Contract - Part of the address record. The mobile phone number of a contact person provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. | |
TC_PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_FAX | Target Contract - Part of the address record. The client?s fax number provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. | |
TC_PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_EMAIL | Target Contract - Part of the address record. The email address number of a contact person provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. | |
TC_PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_WEB | Target Contract - Part of the address record. The client?s internet page provided either via Address record of the selected project or if not available an Address record of associated company contains that project. | |
TC_PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_CREATEDAT | Target Contract - Part of the address record. Provides a creation date of the address record. If the address record for project exists then it is a creation date of the project?s address, otherwise this date belongs to a company address. | |
TC_PROJECT_ACTIVE-ADDRESS_MODIFIEDAT | Target Contract - Part of the address record. Provides the last modification date of the address record. If the address record for project exists then it is a creation date of the project?s address, otherwise this date belongs to a company address. | |
TC_PROJECT_LOCATION-NAMES | Target Contract - Returns the names of all locations in the selected project separated with comma. E.g. ?New York, Barcelona, London? | |
TC_PROJECT_NUM-LOCATIONS | Target Contract - Returns the number of location available in the selected project. | |
TC_PROJECT_BUILDING-NAMES | Target Contract - Returns the names of all buildings in the selected project separated with comma. E.g. ?Main Street, Factory, Offices? | |
TC_PROJECT_NUM-BUILDINGS | Target Contract - Returns the number of buildings available in the selected project. | |
TC_PROJECT_FLOOR-NAMES | Target Contract - Returns the names of all floors in the selected project separated with comma. E.g. ?GF, 1thFloor, 2nd Floor? | |
TC_PROJECT_NUM-FLOORS | Target Contract - Returns the number of floors available in the selected project. | |
TC_PROJECT_CPD | Target Contract - Current asset paper devices of the project | |
TC_PROJECT_TPD | Target Contract - Target asset paper devices of the project | |
TC_PROJECT_SVG-TCO | Target Contract - Returns the savings in TCO (based on comparison current vs. future) as absolute amount. E.g. 1000,- EUR per month (or different TIU). | |
TC_PROJECT_SVG-TCO-PERCENT | Target Contract - Returns the savings in TCO (based on comparison current vs. future) in percent in relation to the current state costs. E.g. 20%. | |
TC_PROJECT_SVG-TCO-E | Target Contract - Returns the savings considering Energy Part of the TCO only. Means energy costs savings as absolute amount in a specific currency. E.g. 50,- EUR per month (or different TIU). | |
TC_PROJECT_SVG-TCO-PAPER | Target Contract - Returns the savings considering Paper Part of the TCO only. Means paper costs savings as absolute amount in a specific currency. E.g. 300,- EUR per month (or different TIU). | |
TC_PROJECT_SVG-PAPER-SHEETS-PERTIU | Target Contract - Saving of paper sheets per TIU | |
TC_PROJECT_SVG-PAPER-PACKAGES-PERTIU | Target Contract - Saving of paper packages per TIU | |
TC_PROJECT_SVG-CO2-TOTAL | Target Contract - Returns the total CO2 savings. Means CO2 savings as absolute amount in a specific weight measurement unit. E.g. 500 kg per month (or different TIU). | |
TC_PROJECT_SVG-CO2-TOTAL-PERCENT | Target Contract - SavingCo2Total_Percent | |
TC_PROJECT_SVG-CO2-DIRECT | Target Contract - Returns the part of CO2 savings considering the energy consumption of the devices itself only. Means CO2 savings as absolute amount in a specific weight measurement unit. E.g. 500 kg per month (or different TIU). | |
TC_PROJECT_SVG-CO2-DIRECT-PERCENT | Target Contract - Returns the part of CO2 savings considering the energy consumption of the devices itself only. Means CO2 savings as percentage. E.g. 10%. | |
TC_PROJECT_SVG-GREEN-CO2-PAPER | Target Contract - Green IT saving of CO2 Emission - Manufacturing Paper (kg) | |
TC_PROJECT_SVG-GREEN-CO2-SUPPLY | Target Contract - Green IT saving of CO2 Emission - Manufacturing Supplies (kg) | |
TC_PROJECT_SVG-E | Target Contract - Returns the total energy savings. Means kWh savings as absolute amount. E.g. 120 kWh per month (or different TIU). | |
TC_PROJECT_SVG-E-PERCENT | Target Contract - Returns the total energy savings. Means kWh savings as percentage. E.g. 13% of kWh | |
TC_PROJECT_SVG-GREEN-WATER-PAPER | Target Contract - Green IT Water Demand for Manufacturing Paper | |
TC_PROJECT_SVG-GREEN-WOOD-PAPER | Target Contract - Green IT Wood Demand for Manufacturing Paper | |
TC_PROJECT_SVG-GREEN-E-PAPER | Target Contract - Green IT Energy Demand for Manufacturing Paper (kWh) | |
TC_PROJECT_SVG-GREEN-SUPPLIES | Target Contract - Green IT Number of Supplies per TIU | |
TC_PROJECT_SVG-E-EQV-HOUSEHOLDS | Target Contract - Returns the number of households could be supplied by the energy whole year as kind of equivalent to the total kWh savings. The amount of energy an average household requires can be setup in the Environmental Factors tab of the project settings. | |
TC_PROJECT_SVG-CO2-EQV-CARRANGE | Target Contract - Returns the number of kilometres or miles could be driven by an average car as kind of equivalent to the total CO2 savings. The amount of CO2 an average produces can be setup in the Environmental Factors tab of the project settings. | |
TC_PROJECT_SVG-WOOD-EQV-TREES | Target Contract - Returns the number of trees could be saved as equivalent to the total amount of wood saved by either reducing the number of paper or changing to recycled paper. The basis figures can be setup in the Environmental Factors tab of the project settings. | |
TC_PROJECT_SVG-WATER-EQV-BATHS | Target Contract - Returns the number of bathtubs could be saved as equivalent to the total amount of water saved by either reducing the number of paper or changing to recycled paper. The basis figures can be setup in the Environmental Factors tab of the project settings. | |
TC_PROJECT_ADDRESS_COUNTRY | Target Contract - Part of the project?s address record. The country where the customer is located provided via Address record of the selected project. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
TC_PROJECT_ADDRESS_COUNTRYPART | Target Contract - Part of the project?s address record. The part of the country where the customer is located provided via Address record of the selected project. E.g. ?Northern Part, Southern Part?. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
TC_PROJECT_ADDRESS_STATE | Target Contract - Part of the project?s address record. The state or county of a country where the customer is located provided via Address record of the selected project. E.g. ?Nevada, Bavaria?. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
TC_PROJECT_ADDRESS_REGION | Target Contract - Part of the project?s address record. The local region of the city where the customer is located provided via Address record of the selected project. E.g. ?Mittelfranken?. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
TC_PROJECT_ADDRESS_POSTALCODE | Target Contract - Part of the project?s address record. The postal code of the city where the customer is located provided via Address record of the selected project. E.g. ?90441, SW8345?. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
TC_PROJECT_ADDRESS_CITY | Target Contract - Part of the project?s address record. The city where the customer is located provided via Address record of the selected project. E.g. ?London, Nuremberg?. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
TC_PROJECT_ADDRESS_STREET1 | Target Contract - Part of the project?s address record. The street where the customer is located provided via Address record of the selected project. E.g. ?Nordostpark 51, 534 Westminister Bridge Rd?. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
TC_PROJECT_ADDRESS_STREET2 | Target Contract - Part of the project?s address record. The street (second part) where the customer is located provided via Address record of the selected project. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
TC_PROJECT_ADDRESS_COMPANYNAME | Target Contract - Part of the project?s address record. The customer?s legal company name provided via Address record of the selected project. E.g. ?Technologies Ltd.? (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
TC_PROJECT_ADDRESS_VATNUMBER | Target Contract - Part of the project?s address record. The customer?s VAT number provided via Address record of the selected project. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
TC_PROJECT_ADDRESS_CUSTOMERNUMBER | Target Contract - Part of the project?s address record. The customer?s number (from CRM or ERP) provided via Address record of the selected project. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
TC_PROJECT_ADDRESS_BUSINESSSECTOR | Target Contract - Part of the project?s address record. The customer?s business sector provided via Address record of the selected project. E.g. ?Airlines, Public Sector?. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
TC_PROJECT_ADDRESS_SIZECATEGORY | Target Contract - Part of the project?s address record. The customer?s size as a predefined category provided via Address record of the selected project. E.g. ?Up to 10, Up to 100?. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
TC_PROJECT_ADDRESS_CONTACTPERSON | Target Contract - Part of the project?s address record. The contact person on the customer size provided via Address record of the selected project. E.g. ?Mr. Smith?. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
TC_PROJECT_ADDRESS_PHONE | Target Contract - Part of the project?s address record. The contact person?s phone number provided via Address record of the selected project. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
TC_PROJECT_ADDRESS_MOBILEPHONE | Target Contract - Part of the project?s address record. The contact person?s mobile phone number provided via Address record of the selected project. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
TC_PROJECT_ADDRESS_FAX | Target Contract - Part of the project?s address record. The contact person?s fax number provided via Address record of the selected project. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
TC_PROJECT_ADDRESS_EMAIL | Target Contract - Part of the project?s address record. The contact person?s email address provided via Address record of the selected project. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
TC_PROJECT_ADDRESS_WEB | Target Contract - Part of the project?s address record. The customer?s web page address provided via Address record of the selected project. (Note: This placeholder doesn?t provide the information out of the company object. If you require data either from company or if available from the project address record, then use _ACTIVE_ placeholders instead.) | |
TC_PROJECT_ADDRESS_CREATEDAT | Target Contract - Part of the project?s address record. Provides a creation date of a project?s address record. | |
TC_PROJECT_ADDRESS_MODIFIEDAT | Target Contract - Part of the project?s address record. Provides the last modification date of a project?s address record. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_SOURCE | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the chosen source for the data selection. This can be either static (empirical values) or dynamic (selected out of the project application database and based on the real stored projects) | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_ISCUR | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Provides a Yes/No information whether only the current state figures should be considered. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_COUNTRY | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the filter criteria ? considering projects in a specific country only. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_COUNTRYPART | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the filter criteria ? considering projects in a specific part of a country only. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_SIZECATEGORY | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the filter criteria ? considering projects in a specific size category only. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_BUSINESSSECTOR | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the filter criteria ? considering projects in a specific business sector only. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-EMPLOYEES | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT average number of employees out of the database. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_IN-EMPLOYEES | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT filter criteria ? considering projects with a specific number of employees only. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-MAKES | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT average number of makes out of the database. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_IN-MAKES | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT filter criteria ? considering projects with a specific number of makes only. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-MODELS | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT average number of models out of the database. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_IN-MODELS | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT filter criteria ? considering projects with a specific number of models (E.g. 2 for ?LaserJet 5, Stylus C82?) only. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-NETWORKED | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT average number of devices with a network connection out of the database. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_IN-NETWORKED | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT filter criteria ? considering projects with a specific number of networked devices only. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-A3CAP | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT average number of devices supporting large (A3) format out of the database. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_IN-A3CAP | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT filter criteria ? considering projects with a specific number of A3 capable devices only. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_IN-DEVICES-PER-EMPLOYEE | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT filter criteria ? considering projects with a specific ratio of devices per employee only. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_IN-EMPLOYEES-PER-DEVICE | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT filter criteria ? considering projects with a specific ratio of employees per device only. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_IN-VOLUME-PER-EMPLOYEE | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT filter criteria ? considering projects with a specific ratio of page volumes per employee only. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_IN-TCO-PER-EMPLOYEE | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT filter criteria ? considering projects with a specific ratio of costs (TCO) per employee only. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_IN-NR-PRN | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with a specific number of printers or adjust the number of other devices accordingly. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_IN-NR-AIO | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with a specific number of AIOs or adjust the number of other devices accordingly. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_IN-NR-MFD | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with a specific number of MFDs or adjust the number of other devices accordingly. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_IN-NR-COP | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with a specific number of copiers or adjust the number of other devices accordingly. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_IN-NR-FAX | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with a specific number of faxes or adjust the number of other devices accordingly. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_IN-NR-SCAN | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with a specific number of scanners or adjust the number of other devices accordingly. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_IN-NR-HIGHVOL | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with a specific number of high volume devices / production printing or adjust the number of other devices accordingly. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_IN-NR-PLOTTER | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with a specific number of plotters or adjust the number of other devices accordingly. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_IN-NR-LABLE-PRN | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with a specific number of label printers or adjust the number of other devices accordingly. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_IN-NR-PORTABLE-PRN | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with a specific number of portable printers or adjust the number of other devices accordingly. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_IN-NR-OTHER | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with a specific number of miscellaneous devices or adjust the number of other devices accordingly. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_IN-VOL | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with specific total page volumes or adjust the mono and colour volumes accordingly. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_IN-VOLBW | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with specific mono page volumes or adjust the total and colour volumes accordingly. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_IN-VOLCOL | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with specific colour page volumes or adjust the total and mono volumes accordingly. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_IN-TCOPAGE | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with specific price per page or adjust the TCO, price per page for mono and colour accordingly. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_IN-TCOPAGE-BW | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with specific price per page for mono pages or adjust the TCO, price per page for colour accordingly. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_IN-TCOPAGE-COL | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with specific price per page for colour pages or adjust the TCO, price per page for mono accordingly. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_IN-TCO | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with specific TCO or adjust the price per page accordingly. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_IN-TCO-C | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with specific current state TCO or adjust the price per page of the current state accordingly. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_IN-TCO-T | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with specific future state TCO or adjust the price per page of the future state accordingly. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_IN-SVG-TCO | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Provides the INPUT field ? considering projects with specific saving percentage of TCO or adjust the absolute TCO savings accordingly. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-DEVICES-PER-EMPLOYEE | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT average ratio devices per employee out of the database. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-EMPLOYEES-PER-DEVICE | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT average ratio employees per device out of the database. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-VOLUME-PER-EMPLOYEE | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT average ratio page volumes per employee out of the database. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-TCO-PER-EMPLOYEE | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT average ratio costs (TCO) per employee out of the database. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-NR-PRN | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT number of printers as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-NR-AIO | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT number of AIOs as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-NR-MFD | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT number of MFDs as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-NR-COP | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT number of Copiers as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-NR-FAX | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT number of Faxes as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-NR-SCAN | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT number of Scanners as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-NR-HIGHVOL | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT number of HighVolumeDevices as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-NR-PLOTTER | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT number of plotters as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-NR-LABLE-PRN | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT number of label printers as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-NR-PORTABLE-PRN | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT number of portable printers as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-NR-OTHER | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT number of other devices as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-VOL | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT total volumes as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-VOLBW | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT mono volumes as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-VOLCOL | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT colour volumes as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-TCOPAGE | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT total price per page as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-TCOPAGE-BW | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT mono price per page as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-TCOPAGE-COL | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT colour price per page as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-TCO | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT total TCO as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-TCO-C | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT current TCO as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-TCO-T | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT future TCO as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_OUT-SVG-TCO | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the OUTPUT total savings of the TCO in percent as a result of on the one hand the average data selected from the source (db or static) and on the other hand on the suggested customer input figures. This means the result is either an average, input or a correlational figure. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-DEVICES-PER-EMPLOYEE | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE ratio devices per employee selected from the database. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-EMPLOYEES-PER-DEVICE | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE ratio employees per device selected from the database. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-VOLUME-PER-EMPLOYEE | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE ratio volumes per device selected from the database. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-TCO-PER-EMPLOYEE | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE ratio TCO per employee selected from the database. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-NR-PRN | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE number of printers selected from the database. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-NR-AIO | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE number of AIOs selected from the database. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-NR-MFD | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE number of MFDs selected from the database. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-NR-COP | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE number of Copiers selected from the database. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-NR-FAX | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE number of Faxes selected from the database. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-NR-SCAN | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE number of Scanners selected from the database. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-NR-HIGHVOL | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE number of High-Volume-Devices selected from the database. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-NR-PLOTTER | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE number of Plotters selected from the database. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-NR-LABLE-PRN | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE number of label printers selected from the database. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-NR-PORTABLE-PRN | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE number of portable printers selected from the database. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-NR-OTHER | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE number of other devices selected from the database. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-VOL | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE total volumes selected from the database. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-VOLBW | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE mono volumes selected from the database. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-VOLCOL | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE colour volumes selected from the database. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-TCOPAGE | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE total price per page selected from the database. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-TCOPAGE-BW | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE mono price per page selected from the database. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-TCOPAGE-COL | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE colour price per page selected from the database. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-TCO | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE total TCO selected from the database. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-TCO-C | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE current TCO selected from the database. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-TCO-T | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE future TCO selected from the database. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_AVG-SVG-TCO | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Returns the AVERAGE savings (current vs. future TCO) in percent selected from the database. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_CREATEDAT | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Date when the estimation record has been created. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTM_MODIFIEDAT | Target Contract - Part of the quick estimation module. Date when the estimation record has been modified. | |
TC_PROJECT_CLOSURE-RATE | Target Contract - Sales closure rate in percent for the selected project. | |
TC_PROJECT_CLOSURE-DATE | Target Contract - Sales presumable closure date for the selected project. | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTIMATED-TURNOVER | Target Contract - The estimated project turnover | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTIMATED-TURNOVER-PRODUCT | Target Contract - The estimated project product turnover | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTIMATED-TURNOVER-SERVICE | Target Contract - The estimated project service turnover | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTIMATED-TURNOVER | Target Contract - Description missing! | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTIMATED-TURNOVER-PRODUCT | Target Contract - Description missing! | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTIMATED-TURNOVER-SERVICE | Target Contract - Description missing! | |
TC_PROJECT_ESTIMATED-NUMBEROFFUTASSETS | Target Contract - The estimated number of future assets | |
TC_PROJECT_STATUS | Target Contract - Status of the selected project. E.g. ?Draft, In Edit, Finished?. | |
TC_PROJECT_APPROVED | Target Contract - Additional information to ?Finished? status. Approved and implemented? | |
TC_PROJECT_INWORKSTAGE | Target Contract - The stage of the inwork status | |
TC_PROJECT_CREDITCHECKED | Target Contract - Has the credit rating been checked | |
TC_PROJECT_ACCOMPLISHMENT-PERCENT | Target Contract - Project accomplushment in per cent | |
TC_PROJECT_NUMBER | Target Contract - Internal number of the selected project. | |
TC_PROJECT_DATE-REPLACEMENT | Target Contract - Agreed date of replacement. Important for the calculation of the replacement values of the current state contracts. | |
TC_PROJECT_ALLOCATION-1 | Target Contract - Part of the project capturing settings. The user defined field name 1. (Displayed in the asset form) | |
TC_PROJECT_ALLOCATION-2 | Target Contract - Part of the project capturing settings. The user defined field name 2. (Displayed in the asset form) | |
TC_PROJECT_ALLOCATION-3 | Target Contract - Part of the project capturing settings. The user defined field name 3. (Displayed in the asset form) | |
TC_PROJECT_ALLOCATION-4 | Target Contract - Part of the project capturing settings. The user defined field name 4. (Displayed in the asset form) | |
TC_PROJECT_ALLOCATION-5 | Target Contract - Part of the project capturing settings. The user defined field name 5. (Displayed in the asset form) | |
TC_PROJECT_CURRENCY-BASE | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Project currency. | |
TC_PROJECT_CURRENCY-VIEW | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Currency for the reporting and dashboard. | |
TC_PROJECT_EXCHANGE-RATE-BASE2VIEW | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Exchange rate base currency to view currency. | |
TC_PROJECT_EXCHANGE-RATE-EUR2BASE | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Exchange rate EURO to project currency. | |
TC_PROJECT_WORKDAYS-WEEK | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Number of working days in a week. (Important for calculation of the Energy consumption and walking paths) | |
TC_PROJECT_WORKDAYS-YEAR | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Number of working days per year. (Important for calculation of the Energy consumption and walking paths) | |
TC_PROJECT_FREEDAYS-YEAR | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Number of free days per year. (Important for calculation of the Energy consumption and walking paths) | |
TC_PROJECT_EMPLOYEES | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Total exact number of employees. | |
TC_PROJECT_WORKHOURS-DAY | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Average number of workhours per day. | |
TC_PROJECT_HOURLY-RATE-EMPLOYEE | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Average hourly rate of an employee. Important for the calculation of costs as a result of spending time on walking to device and authentication. | |
TC_PROJECT_SHEETS-IN-PAPERPACKAGE | Target Contract - Amount of sheets in standard paper package | |
TC_PROJECT_ENERGY-PER-VIRGIN-PAPER-TONNE | Target Contract - Green factor energy per ton virgin paper in kWh | |
TC_PROJECT_ENERGY-PER-RECYCLED-PAPER-TONNE | Target Contract - Green factor energy per ton recycled paper in kWh | |
TC_PROJECT_EQV-ENERGY-CONSUMED-BY-AVG-HOUSEHOLD-PER-YEAR | Target Contract - Green factor energy consumed by average household per year | |
TC_PROJECT_GREEN-C-E | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Costs per kWh. | |
TC_PROJECT_CVIRG-PAPER-PACKAGE-CUR | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Costs of a paper package (virgin paper) in the current situation. | |
TC_PROJECT_CVIRG-PAPER-PACKAGE-TAR | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Costs of a paper package (virgin paper) in the future situation. | |
TC_PROJECT_CRECL-PAPER-PACKAGE-CUR | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Costs of a paper package (recycled paper) in the current situation. | |
TC_PROJECT_CRECL-PAPER-PACKAGE-TAR | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Costs of a paper package (recycled paper) in the future situation. | |
TC_PROJECT_WEIGHT-OF-PAPERPACKAGE | Target Contract - Standard paper package weight | |
TC_PROJECT_CO2-PER-kWh | Target Contract - Green factor CO2 per 1kWh | |
TC_PROJECT_CO2-PER-TONER-CARTRIDGE | Target Contract - Green factor CO2 per 1 toner cartridge | |
TC_PROJECT_CO2-PER-INK-CARTRIDGE | Target Contract - Green factor CO2 per 1 ink cartridge | |
TC_PROJECT_WOOD-PER-VIRGIN-PAPER-TONNE | Target Contract - Green factor wood per ton virgin paper | |
TC_PROJECT_WOOD-PER-RECYCLED-PAPER-TONNE | Target Contract - Green factor wood per ton recycled paper | |
TC_PROJECT_WATER-PER-VIRGIN-PAPER-TONNE | Target Contract - Green factor water per ton virgin paper | |
TC_PROJECT_WATER-PER-RECYCLED-PAPER-TONNE | Target Contract - Green factor water per ton recycled paper | |
TC_PROJECT_CO2-PER-VIRGIN-PAPER-TONNE | Target Contract - Green factor CO2 per ton virgin paper in kWh | |
TC_PROJECT_CO2-PER-RECYCLED-PAPER-TONNE | Target Contract - Green factor CO2 per ton recycled paper in kWh | |
TC_PROJECT_EQV-WEIGHT-OF-AVG-TREE | Target Contract - Green factor average weight of a tree | |
TC_PROJECT_EQV-CO2-PRODUCED-BY-AVG-CAR-PER-KM | Target Contract - Green factor CO2 per driven km with an average car | |
TC_PROJECT_DUPLEX-PERCENT-CUR | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Global duplex percentage for the current situation. | |
TC_PROJECT_DUPLEX-PERCENT-TAR | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Global duplex percentage for the future situation. | |
TC_PROJECT_RECYCLED-PERCENT-CUR | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Global percentage of recycled paper in the current situation. | |
TC_PROJECT_RECYCLED-PERCENT-TAR | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Global percentage of recycled paper in the current situation. | |
TC_PROJECT_SWITCHTIME-TO-LOWPOWER-CUR | Target Contract - Energy calculation of time to lowpower mode in minutes | |
TC_PROJECT_SWITCHTIME-TO-LOWPOWER-FUT | Target Contract - Energy calculation of time to lowpower mode in minutes | |
TC_PROJECT_SWITCHTIME-TO-SLEEP-CUR | Target Contract - Energy calculation of time to sleep mode in minutes | |
TC_PROJECT_SWITCHTIME-TO-SLEEP-FUT | Target Contract - Energy calculation of time to sleep mode in minutes | |
TC_PROJECT_HOURLY-RATE-CUSTOMER-COMPLEX-MAINT | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Customer?s employee hourly rate. Responsible for the maintenance of complex devices. | |
TC_PROJECT_HOURLY-RATE-CUSTOMER-SIMPLE-MAINT | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Customer?s employee hourly rate. Responsible for the maintenance of simple devices. | |
TC_PROJECT_HOURLY-RATE-CUSTOMER-COMPLEX-INSTALL | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Customer?s employee hourly rate. Responsible for the installation of complex devices. | |
TC_PROJECT_HOURLY-RATE-CUSTOMER-SIMPLE-INSTALL | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Customer?s employee hourly rate. Responsible for the installation of simple devices. | |
TC_PROJECT_HOURLY-RATE-CUSTOMER-PROGRAMMING | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Customer?s employee hourly rate. Responsible for in-house programming. | |
TC_PROJECT_HOURLY-RATE-CUSTOMER-ADMIN | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Customer?s employee hourly rate. Responsible for internal administration. | |
TC_PROJECT_HOURLY-RATE-CUSTOMER-UPDATES | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Customer?s employee hourly rate. Responsible for internal updates. | |
TC_PROJECT_HOURLY-RATE-CUSTOMER-SUPPORT | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Customer?s employee hourly rate. Responsible for internal support. | |
TC_PROJECT_HOURLY-RATE-DEALER-COMPLEX-MAINT | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Dealer?s technician hourly rate. Responsible for the maintenance of complex devices. | |
TC_PROJECT_HOURLY-RATE-DEALER-SIMPLE-MAINT | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Dealer?s technician hourly rate. Responsible for the maintenance of simple devices. | |
TC_PROJECT_HOURLY-RATE-DEALER-COMPLEX-INSTALL | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Dealer?s technician hourly rate. Responsible for the installation of complex devices. | |
TC_PROJECT_HOURLY-RATE-DEALER-SIMPLE-INSTALL | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Dealer?s technician hourly rate. Responsible for the installation of simple devices. | |
TC_PROJECT_HOURLY-RATE-DEALER-PROGRAMMING | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Dealer?s technician hourly rate. Responsible for individual programming. | |
TC_PROJECT_HOURLY-RATE-DEALER-ADMIN | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Dealer?s technician hourly rate. Responsible for remote administration. | |
TC_PROJECT_HOURLY-RATE-DEALER-UPDATES | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Dealer?s technician hourly rate. Responsible for providing and installing updates. | |
TC_PROJECT_HOURLY-RATE-DEALER-SUPPORT | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Dealer?s technician hourly rate. Responsible for supporting customers. | |
TC_PROJECT_MLANCH-PLUS-MONTHS | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Number of months should be taken in addition to market launch to estimate the date of installation. | |
TC_PROJECT_COVERAGE-MONO | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Global default printing coverage for mono pages in percent. Note: Can be overwritten for every single asset. | |
TC_PROJECT_COVERAGE-COLOUR | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Global default printing coverage for colour pages in percent. Note: Can be overwritten for every single asset. | |
TC_PROJECT_DISCOUNT-CONS | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Global discount for consumables. Used to reduce consumable prices. | |
TC_PROJECT_SURCHARGE-CONS | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Global surcharge for consumables. Used to increase consumable prices. | |
TC_PROJECT_DISCOUNT-PRODUCT | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Global discount for assets. Used to reduce asset purchasing prices. | |
TC_PROJECT_SURCHARGE-PRODUCT | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Global surcharge for assets. Used to increase asset purchasing prices. | |
TC_PROJECT_INTEREST-RATE | Target Contract - Part of the project settings. Global interest rate for calculating additional ?money costs? of purchased devices. | |
TC_PROJECT_REMARKS | Target Contract - Remarks to the selected project. | |
TC_PROJECT_CREATEDAT | Target Contract - Date of the project creation. | |
TC_PROJECT_MODIFIEDAT | Target Contract - Date of the last project modification. | |
TC_OWNSALES | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Displays a Boolean setting whether it is an own sales contract. | |
TC_START-DATE | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Shows the contact start date. | |
TC_DURATION | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Shows the contact duration in months. | |
TC_TYPE | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Shows the contact type. | |
TC_PROD-PART | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Returns a Boolean info whether the product part (hardware and service) is covered by the contract. | |
TC_MAINT-PART | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Returns a Boolean info whether the service part (maintenance ? support, repairs) is covered by the contract. | |
TC_SUPP-PART | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Returns a Boolean info whether the consumables are covered by the contract as well. Means if True, then customer doesn?t have to take care of buying and ordering supplies. They will be delivered by dealer automatically. All costs are covered with the contract fee. | |
TC_TIU | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Returns the Time Interval Unit (TIU) of a contract. The contract?s TIU can differ from the default project TIU. E.g. contract figures can be quarterly and the project figures monthly. | |
TC_CONTRACTAMOUNT | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Returns the contract?s main fee such as lease, rental or rent-all In charge for hardware, software and in all-in-one case for service as well. | |
TC_ONEOFFOTHERFEE | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Displays the onetime fee entered for the contract. That fee is considered for the calculation of the product part next to the purchasing prices for assets. This fee could be also an additional fee for special software solutions. | |
TC_INSTALLATIONFEE | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Displays the onetime fee for the installation of devices and software products. It is either entered manually, or calculated from the individual fee provided with assets. | |
TC_PRODUCT-PURCHASING-PRICE-SUM | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Returns the sum of all purchasing prices provided by attached assets. This includes the dealer costs for the hardware products and additional accessories. Discount not considered. | |
TC_PRODUCT-PURCHASING-PRICE-DISC-SUM | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Returns the sum of all individual discounts provided by attached assets. This includes the amounts for the hardware products and additional accessories. | |
TC_PRODUCT-PURCHASING-PRICE-END-SUM | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Returns the final purchasing price for product. (Initial purchasing price minus discount) | |
TC_CALC-REPLACEMENT-SUM | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Returns the estimated replacement sum for the current contract. | |
TC_PRODUCT-MARGIN-OR-MARKUP-PERCENT | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Displays the margin or mark-up percentage for the product (hardware and software) part of the calculation. | |
TC_CALC-GROSSPROFIT-PRODUCT | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Returns the calculated gross profit for the product part. This is a difference between the purchase costs and the selling price. | |
TC_SERVICE-PURCHASING-PRICE-SUM | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Returns the sum of all purchasing costs for the maintenance calculated via dealer?s prices per page and the fixed contract volumes. This includes the dealer?s additional charges. Discount not considered. | |
TC_SERVICE-PURCHASING-PRICE-DISC-SUM | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Returns the absolute discount amount calculated from the service sum and the global percentage. | |
TC_SERVICE-PURCHASING-PRICE-END-SUM | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Returns the final purchasing price for maintenance. (Initial purchasing price minus discount) | |
TC_SERVICE-MARGIN-OR-MARKUP-PERCENT | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Provides the discount percentage for service entered manually. | |
TC_CALC-GROSSPROFIT-SERVICE | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Returns the calculated gross profit for the maintenance part. This is a difference between the purchase costs and the selling price. | |
TC_COPYRIGHT-LEVY-SUM | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Returns the sum of the copyright levy out of the device database. Note: Copyright levy is mandatory only in some specific countries. | |
TC_PRODUCT-SELLING-PRICE-SUM | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Returns the final selling price for the product part of the contract (hardware and software). This is a customer?s buy price in case of a purchasing type of a contract. | |
TC_SERVICE-SELLING-PRICE-SUM | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Returns the final selling price for the maintenance part of the contract (service calculated via dealer?s price per page, fixed volumes and additional charges + margin). This is a customer?s buy price for the service over the entire running time of the contract. Therefore this figure is usually used for the internal calculation only. | |
TC_TOTAL-SELLING-PRICE-SUM | Target Contract - Calculation of the total selling sum | |
TC_CALC-REFI-FACTOREQUCON | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Returns the lease rate used for the calculation of the monthly, quarterly (or another TIU) fee based on the total selling price. | |
TC_PRODUCT-COSTS-PER-CONTRACT-TIU | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Returns the monthly (or another TIU) contract fee for the product part (hardware and software) only. This is a rental or lease fee a customer has to pay for using the provided products. | |
TC_SERVICE-COSTS-PER-CONTRACT-TIU | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Returns the monthly (or another TIU) contract fee for the service part (maintenance calculated via price per page and additional charges) only. This is a service charge a customer has to pay for using the provided products. | |
TC_PRODUCTANDSERVICE-COSTS-PER-CONTRACT-TIU | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Returns the monthly (or another TIU) contract fee for the product and maintenance as one all-in-one fee. This is a regular fee a customer has to pay for using the provided products and consuming maintenance and support. | |
TC_CALC-DIRECTION | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Returns the direction type for the calculation. Considered for future features when it will be possible to calculate back from the final fee and change the margin accordingly. | |
TC_CON-COSTS-PER-CONTRACT-TIU | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Returns the consumable costs per month, quarter or different contract TIU. | |
TC_OP-COSTS-PER-CONTRACT-TIU | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Returns the overage costs or costs for pages printed over the contractual agreement. Means predicted real pages higher than contractual volumes, therefore additional costs are calculated. | |
TC_REPLACEMENT-AMOUNT | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Returns the calculated replacement amount. | |
TC_CMR-CHARGE-COMMON-MAINT | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Displays the charge for common maintenance. This is a service charge fee which is independent of any volume type. | |
TC_CMR-PPOP?PRN?STD?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Customer?s (CMR) buy price (P) per over page (OP). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for standard (STD) format (A4) mono (BW) print (PRN) page over the contractual fixed volumes. This placeholder provides either a suggested / calculated price per page or the manually entered. Use this figure for your offer report. | |
TC_CMR-PPOP?PRN?STD?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Customer?s (CMR) buy price (P) per over page (OP). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for standard (STD) format (A4) colour (COL) print (PRN) page over the contractual fixed volumes. This placeholder provides either a suggested / calculated price per page or the manually entered. Use this figure for your offer report. | |
TC_CMR-PPOP?PRN?SMALL?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Customer?s (CMR) buy price (P) per over page (OP). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for small (SMALL) format (A5) mono (BW) print (PRN) page over the contractual fixed volumes. This placeholder provides either a suggested / calculated price per page or the manually entered. Use this figure for your offer report. | |
TC_CMR-PPOP?PRN?SMALL?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Customer?s (CMR) buy price (P) per over page (OP). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for small (SMALL) format (A5) colour (COL) print (PRN) page over the contractual fixed volumes. This placeholder provides either a suggested / calculated price per page or the manually entered. Use this figure for your offer report. | |
TC_CMR-PPOP?PRN?LARGE?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Customer?s (CMR) buy price (P) per over page (OP). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for large (LARGE) format (A3) mono (BW) print (PRN) page over the contractual fixed volumes. This placeholder provides either a suggested / calculated price per page or the manually entered. Use this figure for your offer report. | |
TC_CMR-PPOP?PRN?LARGE?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Customer?s (CMR) buy price (P) per over page (OP). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for large (LARGE) format (A3) colour (COL) print (PRN) page over the contractual fixed volumes. This placeholder provides either a suggested / calculated price per page or the manually entered. Use this figure for your offer report. | |
TC_CMR-PPOP?COP?STD?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Customer?s (CMR) buy price (P) per over page (OP). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for standard (STD) format (A4) mono (BW) copy (COP) page over the contractual fixed volumes. This placeholder provides either a suggested / calculated price per page or the manually entered. Use this figure for your offer report. | |
TC_CMR-PPOP?COP?STD?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Customer?s (CMR) buy price (P) per over page (OP). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for standard (STD) format (A4) colour (COL) copy (COP) page over the contractual fixed volumes. This placeholder provides either a suggested / calculated price per page or the manually entered. Use this figure for your offer report. | |
TC_CMR-PPOP?COP?SMALL?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Customer?s (CMR) buy price (P) per over page (OP). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for small (SMALL) format (A5) mono (BW) copy (COP) page over the contractual fixed volumes. This placeholder provides either a suggested / calculated price per page or the manually entered. Use this figure for your offer report. | |
TC_CMR-PPOP?COP?SMALL?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Customer?s (CMR) buy price (P) per over page (OP). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for small (SMALL) format (A5) colour (COL) copy (COP) page over the contractual fixed volumes. This placeholder provides either a suggested / calculated price per page or the manually entered. Use this figure for your offer report. | |
TC_CMR-PPOP?COP?LARGE?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Customer?s (CMR) buy price (P) per over page (OP). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for large (LARGE) format (A3) mono (BW) copy (COP) page over the contractual fixed volumes. This placeholder provides either a suggested / calculated price per page or the manually entered. Use this figure for your offer report. | |
TC_CMR-PPOP?COP?LARGE?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Customer?s (CMR) buy price (P) per over page (OP). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for large (LARGE) format (A3) colour (COL) copy (COP) page over the contractual fixed volumes. This placeholder provides either a suggested / calculated price per page or the manually entered. Use this figure for your offer report. | |
TC_CMR-PPOP?SCAN?STD?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Customer?s (CMR) buy price (P) per over page (OP). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for standard (STD) format (A4) mono (BW) scan (SCAN) page over the contractual fixed volumes. This placeholder provides either a suggested / calculated price per page or the manually entered. Use this figure for your offer report. | |
TC_CMR-PPOP?SCAN?STD?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Customer?s (CMR) buy price (P) per over page (OP). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for standard (STD) format (A4) colour (COL) scan (SCAN) page over the contractual fixed volumes. This placeholder provides either a suggested / calculated price per page or the manually entered. Use this figure for your offer report. | |
TC_CMR-PPOP?SCAN?SMALL?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Customer?s (CMR) buy price (P) per over page (OP). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for small (SMALL) format (A5) mono (BW) scan (SCAN) page over the contractual fixed volumes. This placeholder provides either a suggested / calculated price per page or the manually entered. Use this figure for your offer report. | |
TC_CMR-PPOP?SCAN?SMALL?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Customer?s (CMR) buy price (P) per over page (OP). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for small (SMALL) format (A5) colour (COL) scan (SCAN) page over the contractual fixed volumes. This placeholder provides either a suggested / calculated price per page or the manually entered. Use this figure for your offer report. | |
TC_CMR-PPOP?SCAN?LARGE?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Customer?s (CMR) buy price (P) per over page (OP). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for large (LARGE) format (A3) mono (BW) scan (SCAN) page over the contractual fixed volumes. This placeholder provides either a suggested / calculated price per page or the manually entered. Use this figure for your offer report. | |
TC_CMR-PPOP?SCAN?LARGE?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Customer?s (CMR) buy price (P) per over page (OP). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for large (LARGE) format (A3) colour (COL) scan (SCAN) page over the contractual fixed volumes. This placeholder provides either a suggested / calculated price per page or the manually entered. Use this figure for your offer report. | |
TC_C-OVERPAGE?PRN?STD?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Customer?s (CMR) buy price (P) per over page (OP). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for standard (STD) format (A4) mono (BW) print (PRN) page over the contractual fixed volumes. This placeholder provides a figure only in case if it was manually entered in the contract window. | |
TC_C-OVERPAGE?PRN?STD?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Customer?s (CMR) buy price (P) per over page (OP). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for standard (STD) format (A4) colour (COL) print (PRN) page over the contractual fixed volumes. This placeholder provides a figure only in case if it was manually entered in the contract window. | |
TC_C-OVERPAGE?PRN?SMALL?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Customer?s (CMR) buy price (P) per over page (OP). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for small (SMALL) format (A5) mono (BW) print (PRN) page over the contractual fixed volumes. This placeholder provides a figure only in case if it was manually entered in the contract window. | |
TC_C-OVERPAGE?PRN?SMALL?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Customer?s (CMR) buy price (P) per over page (OP). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for small (SMALL) format (A5) colour (COL) print (PRN) page over the contractual fixed volumes. This placeholder provides a figure only in case if it was manually entered in the contract window. | |
TC_C-OVERPAGE?PRN?LARGE?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Customer?s (CMR) buy price (P) per over page (OP). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for large (LARGE) format (A3) mono (BW) print (PRN) page over the contractual fixed volumes. This placeholder provides a figure only in case if it was manually entered in the contract window. | |
TC_C-OVERPAGE?PRN?LARGE?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Customer?s (CMR) buy price (P) per over page (OP). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for large (LARGE) format (A3) colour (COL) print (PRN) page over the contractual fixed volumes. This placeholder provides a figure only in case if it was manually entered in the contract window. | |
TC_C-OVERPAGE?COP?STD?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Customer?s (CMR) buy price (P) per over page (OP). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for standard (STD) format (A4) mono (BW) copy (COP) page over the contractual fixed volumes. This placeholder provides a figure only in case if it was manually entered in the contract window. | |
TC_C-OVERPAGE?COP?STD?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Customer?s (CMR) buy price (P) per over page (OP). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for standard (STD) format (A4) colour (COL) copy (COP) page over the contractual fixed volumes. This placeholder provides a figure only in case if it was manually entered in the contract window. | |
TC_C-OVERPAGE?COP?SMALL?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Customer?s (CMR) buy price (P) per over page (OP). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for small (SMALL) format (A5) mono (BW) copy (COP) page over the contractual fixed volumes. This placeholder provides a figure only in case if it was manually entered in the contract window. | |
TC_C-OVERPAGE?COP?SMALL?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Customer?s (CMR) buy price (P) per over page (OP). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for small (SMALL) format (A5) colour (COL) copy (COP) page over the contractual fixed volumes. This placeholder provides a figure only in case if it was manually entered in the contract window. | |
TC_C-OVERPAGE?COP?LARGE?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Customer?s (CMR) buy price (P) per over page (OP). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for large (LARGE) format (A3) mono (BW) copy (COP) page over the contractual fixed volumes. This placeholder provides a figure only in case if it was manually entered in the contract window. | |
TC_C-OVERPAGE?COP?LARGE?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Customer?s (CMR) buy price (P) per over page (OP). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for large (LARGE) format (A3) colour (COL) copy (COP) page over the contractual fixed volumes. This placeholder provides a figure only in case if it was manually entered in the contract window. | |
TC_C-OVERPAGE?SCAN?STD?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Customer?s (CMR) buy price (P) per over page (OP). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for standard (STD) format (A4) mono (BW) scan (SCAN) page over the contractual fixed volumes. This placeholder provides a figure only in case if it was manually entered in the contract window. | |
TC_C-OVERPAGE?SCAN?STD?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Customer?s (CMR) buy price (P) per over page (OP). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for standard (STD) format (A4) colour (COL) scan (SCAN) page over the contractual fixed volumes. This placeholder provides a figure only in case if it was manually entered in the contract window. | |
TC_C-OVERPAGE?SCAN?SMALL?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Customer?s (CMR) buy price (P) per over page (OP). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for small (SMALL) format (A5) mono (BW) scan (SCAN) page over the contractual fixed volumes. This placeholder provides a figure only in case if it was manually entered in the contract window. | |
TC_C-OVERPAGE?SCAN?SMALL?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Customer?s (CMR) buy price (P) per over page (OP). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for small (SMALL) format (A5) colour (COL) scan (SCAN) page over the contractual fixed volumes. This placeholder provides a figure only in case if it was manually entered in the contract window. | |
TC_C-OVERPAGE?SCAN?LARGE?BW | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Customer?s (CMR) buy price (P) per over page (OP). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for large (LARGE) format (A3) mono (BW) scan (SCAN) page over the contractual fixed volumes. This placeholder provides a figure only in case if it was manually entered in the contract window. | |
TC_C-OVERPAGE?SCAN?LARGE?COL | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Customer?s (CMR) buy price (P) per over page (OP). Price Per Page (PPP) a customer has to pay for large (LARGE) format (A3) colour (COL) scan (SCAN) page over the contractual fixed volumes. This placeholder provides a figure only in case if it was manually entered in the contract window. | |
TC_REMARKS | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Provides the info out of the remarks field of the contract. | |
TC_CREATEDAT | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Provides the date of creation. | |
TC_MODIFIEDAT | TC (Target future Contract / first one only). Provides the last modification date. | |
SM-FILTER_STATUS | Sales Manager - Project status | |
SM-FILTER_INWORKSTAGE | Sales Manager - Project in work stage | |
SM-FILTER_TIMERANGE-DATE | Sales Manager - target type in time range | |
SM-FILTER_TIMERANGE?MIN | Sales Manager - minimum time range | |
SM-FILTER_TIMERANGE?MAX | Sales Manager - maximum time range | |
SM-FILTER_CLOSURE-RATE | Sales Manager - closure rates | |
SM-FILTER_ASSETS?CUR?MIN | Sales Manager - current minimum number of assets | |
SM-FILTER_ASSETS?CUR?MAX | Sales Manager - current maximum number of assets | |
SM-FILTER_ASSETS?TAR?MIN | Sales Manager - target minimum number of assets | |
SM-FILTER_ASSETS?TAR?MAX | Sales Manager - target maximum number of assets | |
SM-FILTER_USERNAMES | Sales Manager - user names | |
SM-FILTER_COMPANYNAMES | Sales Manager - company names |