
In the Home workspace you receive an overview of all available workspaces with a short description for each of them.

Project Management

In this workspace you are able to manage customers, projects and settings of selcted projects.

  • Create projects / companies
  • Delete projects / companies
  • Edit projects / companies
  • Share projects / companies
  • Track project status
  • Copy projects
  • Merge projects
  • Change project settings

Create a new company

  1. click on the add-button at the top of the company list
  2. on the right working area you can edit the company form
  3. it is recommended to enter at least the following data:
    • Contact Person
    • Business Sector
    • Geographic Region
    • Country
    • Legal Company Name
    • Number of Employees

Create a new project

  1. click on the Add-Button on the top of the Project List
  2. on the right working area you can edit the project form
  3. it is highly recommended to fill in as much information as possible
  4. if necessary create an individual address for your project (e. g. if the project address is different to the company address)
    • create a new address by clicking on the Button
    • add some address details


Select this workspace to create or change the project structure. You are able to add new sites and assign floor plan images to them.

Site structure and floor plans

will create one default location structure for each project. You can rename this default location / building / floor by clicking on the desired entry and editing the name directly

  • Create a site structure and assign floor plans
    1. with the Button you can create new site structures (this includes 1 location, 1 building, 1 floor)
    2. with the Button you can create new buildings in the selected location (this includes 1 building and 1 floor)
    3. with the Button you can create new floors in the selected building
  • As soon as structures have been created, you can
    • create an address for each location by clicking on the button
    • change floor details like the default font size of the label text and the maximum export quality of the floor plans
    • upload or remove the floor plans for each floor
    • Note: as soon as a floor plan is uploaded, the icon colour of the floor will be changed from blue to orange


It is possible to create departments that might be useful if you want to filter your report by departments. For example having an overview of the TCO / volumes for each department.

  1. Create Departments
    1. Select the department tab on the bottom, left
    2. To create a new department click on the add button above the department list.
    3. The department name can be edited directly

Current State Assets

Import devices

Import devices from a .CSV file

  1. click the Import Button on top of the Asset List
  2. choose your import file from your local disc and click on open
  3. choose an existing import profile or create a new one (click here to see how to create an own Profile)
  4. check or define the import profile properties and click on "OK"
  5. check or define which .CSV columns are allocated to asset properties in
  6. start the import by clicking "OK"

Check the imported devices

  1. after the import finished the list style changes to Import Checking
  2. this style supports to check if every device had been imported correctly
  3. the green group (matching 90-100%) shows all devices that matched with the database correctly
  4. for the devices in the other groups, you should double check if the correct devices were imported

Reassign devices

  1. select the wrongly imported device
  2. click on the Reassign Button on the action bar
  3. in the opening dialog search for the correct device in the database
  4. select the correct device from the list and click on "OK"
  5. when all devices are correct, switch the style of the list to the standard table layout, by selecting this in the dropdown right above the list

Add devices and modify their data / settings

Add devices from the database

  1. add a device directly from the database by clicking on the Add-Button on top of the Asset List
  2. search for the correct device in the database
  3. select the correct device from the list and click on "OK"

Change the device identity

  1. select the device from the asset list
  2. select the tab Current Asset Dynamic Form
  3. within the identity frame you can change all identity values

Add a monthly volume to a device

  1. select the device from the asset list
  2. select the tab Current Asset Dynamic Form
  3. select the tab Estimated Volumes
  4. enter the monthly volumes accordingly

Add a counter reading

  1. select the device in the asset list
  2. select the tab Current Asset Dynamic Form
  3. select the tab Last Meter Reading
  4. Fill in the last counter reading info

Change supply material

  1. select the respective device of which you want to change supply material
  2. select the tab Current Asset Consumable List
  3. on the right you can see every linked supply material which is associated to the selected device
  4. to change the supply material, untick the "Use" checkbox on the right
  5. Select the supply

Change the costs of supply material

  1. in table view you are able to enter prices or / and discounts directly into the table

Current State Contracts

Create a new current contract for the project

  1. click on the Add-Button at the top of the Contract List
  2. in the New Contract Dialog choose the Scope and Ownership and the Type Combination of the contract
  3. add the contract to your project by clicking on the “Ok” button
  4. enter some Basic details:
    • name
    • start-date
    • duration
    • input time interval
  5. enter more detailed information in the tabs below

Add devices to the contract

  1. to link an asset from the current assets to the contract, click on the Assign-Button
  2. select the asset you want to add to the contract and drag it from the list on the left into the contracted objects list on the right
Then you can add detailed information to your contract, like
  1. Fixed volumes
  2. Customer Buy Prices per Page
  3. Overage costs
  4. Etc.

Current State Dashboard

This workspace shows graphical information about the current situation and highlights the TCO

Current TCO vs Volumesy

Utilization Rate:

  • Good (green): Utilization rate is between 1,6% and 6%
  • Acceptable (yellow): Utilization rate is between 0,3% and 1,6%, or between 6% and 8%
  • Bad (red): Utilization rate below 0,3% or over 8%


The optimisation workspace is structured in 2 halves:

  • Left: Current state
  • Right: Future state

  1. to optimise assets, select one or more devices (by holding the CTRL key and click on the assets with your left mouse key)
  2. to optimize the selected assets, either drag the assets from the list on the left to the list on the right or click on the optimize button
  3. in the Asset Transfer - Dialog you can choose how to optimise
  4. in the Product Selector you can search for the new device then
  5. click on "Ok" to add the selected device to the new future situation
  6. do this for all other devices

Visual Optimisation

As soon as the devices are placed in a floor plan, they can be optimized within the “Visual Optimisation”.

  1. Start without any optimised assets in the floor plan (play)
    1. to start with the optimisation, select the devices first (hold the Ctrl key for selecting a multiple number of devices)
    2. after all devices have been selected, right-click at one of them and choose “Optimise Asset(s)”in the context menu
    3. choose the asset transfer type you want to optimise and the replacing device
    4. after the optimisation has been finished, you can see which devices are linked with arrows
  2. Link current devices with future device(s) which are already placed in the floor plan (play)
    1. select current and future devices in the floor plan (use the CTRL key for the selection)
    2. right-click at one of the selected devices (current or future device)
    3. click on “Add Optimisation Link(s)” to optimise the selected current device
    4. to split the volume of the current device among a multiple number of future devices, just repeat step 2.a – 2.c.
  3. Change / Edit the optimisation (In order to edit the optimisation, a current asset needs to have a connection to at least two future assets - it's not possible to reduce the volume here)
    1. to change the optimisation, right-clicke at an optimisation arrow and choose “Edit Optimisation”
    2. in the following dialog you can redistribute the volume of your optimisation
    3. consider that you need at least 2 optimisation links for redistributing the volume
    4. you can choose a new device or make a new optimisation and choose keep
  4. Is Locked for Volume Distribution
    1. the checkbox “Is Locked for Volume Distribution” will be checked automatically as soon as you change the distribution
    2. if the checkbox is activated the software will not change the volume of this optimisation
    3. This is important if there are more than 2 optimisation links for one current device

Future State Assets

Distribute commercial data for the new devices

  1. Select all devices in the “Future Asset List” which you want to update with commercial data
  2. Distribute a discount for each of the new devices
    1. Select the price group on the right
    2. Enter your discount for the new devices in the Discount Percent Textbox
  3. Distribute Dealer Costs Per Page (Service Click Prices)
    1. Select the Dealer Cost Prices Per Page on the right
    2. Enter the price per page

Future State Contracts

Create a new “Future Contract"

  1. click on the "Add-Button" at the top of the Contract List
  2. in the “New Contract” dialog choose the Scope and Ownership and the Type Combination of the contract
  3. add the contract to your project by clicking on the “Ok” button
  4. Enter some Basic details:
    • name
    • start-date
    • duration
    • input time Interval
  5. Before you start entering the “advanced” details, add the devices to the contract

Add devices to the contract

  1. to add an asset from the current assets to the contract, click on the Assign-Button
  2. Select the asset you want to add to the contract and drag it from the list on the left into the contracted objects list on the right
Then you can add detailed information to your contract, like
  1. installation Fee
  2. other costs / Fee
  3. lease Rate
  4. product margin
  5. fixed volumes
  6. service margin
  7. etc.

Future State Dashboard

This workspace displays the comparison of the current and the future state

The following results will be compared

  • TCO
  • KWH Consumption
  • CO2 Emission

Report Generator

The report generator workspace provides an overview of the results of the current selected project


The portfolio is a custom database. It provides the possibility to pre-configure devices from the device database and deposit custom prices (e.g. customer prices, service clicks).

Asset configuration

  1. To create a new portfolio just click on the Portfolio List Tab and then on the Add button at the top of the portfolio list
  2. you can add assets to the portfolio by clicking on the Add button at the top of the article list
  3. select that device from the database which you would like to configure
  4. select the asset from the list of articles and start the configuration of the asset at the right
  5. almost every technical property of the device could be customized. For example:
    1. overwrite the make and model name, order number etc.
    2. change the capabilities (e.g. adding a faxcard or a finisher as default equipment)
    3. change the performance information
    4. change energy information
  6. predefine custom prices for the device
    1. default dealer and customer price
    2. service click prices
    3. charges

Accessory configuration

Configure prices and capabilities

  1. if an asset is being added to the Portfolio, automatically adds all available accessories for the asset to the portfolio as well
  2. to configure this accessories (change prices, discounts, capabilities), select the tabs Accessory-Article List and Accessory-Article Form
  3. in the Accessory-Article List choose the desired Accessory and configure it in the Accessory-Article Form

Assign default accessories to assets

  1. no accessories are assigned to an asset in the portfolio by default
  2. to assign accessories to assets, click on the accessory button
  3. the Accessory assignment dialog is structured in 2 halves
    • Left: shows all available accessories in the current portfolio
    • Right: shows all linked accessories for the selected assets
  4. to assign a default accessory to an asset, just add the quantity in the column "Number"
  5. all the accessories at the right are "optional" - the user can decide if more accessories should be added to the project
  6. for unneeded optional accessories, select the "not needed" accessory / accessories and delete them by clicking on the delete button

Consumable configuration

Configure prices and capabilities

  1. if an asset is being added to the Portfolio, automatically adds all available consumables for the asset to the portfolio as well
  2. to configure this consumables (change prices, discounts, capabilities), select the tabs Consumable-Article List and Consumable-Article Form
  3. in the Consumable-Article List select the desired Consumable and configure it in the Consumable-Article Form

Assign default consumables to assets

  1. adds asset specific consumables to each asset by default
  2. to assign consumables to assets, click on the consumables button
  3. the Consumable Assignment dialog is structured in 2 halves
    • Left: Shows all available consumables in the current portfolio
    • Right: Shows all linked consumables for the selected asset
  4. to assign a consumables to an asset, just mark the desired consumable with Use
  5. all the accessories at the right are "optional" - the user can decide if more or a different consumable(s) should be added to the project
  6. for unneeded optional consumables, select the "not needed" consumable / consumables and delete them by clicking on the delete button

Usage in projects

After having created a portfolio you can use the customs configurations within the product selector in the different workspaces

For Example Future Assets Configuration:

  1. add a device by clicking on the add button
  2. in the Product Selector choose Switch to Portfolio
  3. choose your portfolio and the customized asset(s)
  4. the accessories being added according to the configuration
  5. prices, service clicks and all other pre-defined data is being taken over from the portfolio

Device Database

In this workspace, you have an overview of the assets stored in the database of

You can:

  1. Search assets
  2. See all the asset prices, capabilities etc.
  3. See what consumables and accessories are linked to the selected asset
  4. Download available Brochures
  5. Download available Certificates