Capture IT - Button description

General Buttons / Shortcuts

In Capture IT are different shortcuts or quick navigation buttons available:

Click on a plus icon to create a new object (project, location, building, floor or asset – depending on which list you currently are).
Click on the left arrow icon to go back to the start screen in order to use another login credentials or change the server instance.
Click on the cloud icon in order to upload the selected project to the cloud application (You need a fast and stable internet connection (ideally WiFi) and a valid login to use this feature).
Click on the download icon to get a project from the cloud application. In the dialog select the project you want download from your account. (You need a fast and stable internet connection (ideally WiFi) and a valid login to use this feature).
Click on the gear icon to change the application settings.
Click on the display icon to switch to the full screen view. The list on the left will disappear.
Click on the list icon to switch to the list screen view. The list on the left will appear.
Click on the files icon to jump directly to the project overview. This is a shortcut button.
Click on the structure icon to jump directly to the floor list view. This is a shortcut to the first location and building available within your project.
Click on the tag icon to jump directly to the asset list/form view. This is a shortcut to the first location, building and floor available within your project
Click on the radar icon to jump directly to the floor list/map view. This is a shortcut to the first location, building and floor available within your project.

Assetlist Filter Buttons

There are different filter available for the asset list, you can switch between those by clicking the filter button

Displays all assets from the current selected floor
Displays all assets from the current selected floor, which are already plotted to the floor plan
Displays all assets from the current selected floor, which are not plotted to the floor plan
Displays all assets in the current project, if plotted or not. With this filter it is possible to change the floor of assets